Megara Justice Machine

Eh, we're not going to shame you for that, root away.

"Look out for what I do" sounds like a threat…

So what you're saying is the day's gone better than you could have ever hoped, right?

Feline disrespect Anal Explosion Death Match from behind!

As much as I've hung by your side through thick and thin, laughed at your jokes, sagely nodded at your wisdom and dude-wait-what?ed some other odd things you've said… the way you keep emphasizing to me that your "my pal" is a bit strange. Dude.

Eh… close enough.

If true, and I think it is, the memoirs coming out of the current administration are going to be "fun" reads.

In all caps and with a few exclamation points too. This is really just the bleeding limit (but I'm sure they're push the envelope and find more).

There it is. I've already been waiting to hear this phrase; I just thought it was going to come from somebody in government first.

Meals On Wheels is a good cop!

"Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn" if my eyes don't deceive me.

I'd say about half of them land, and those are very good odds.

Man, life has gotten so weird lately…

That's pretty solid, actually.

That's a good point, I think I retract my suggestion, unless you can find some pretty good proof they did want it shared.

The only option for "certified organic porn" I can think of is amateur stuff. There may still be some of the abuse going on in there, but I'd think you're chances would be better.

Grow your own for victory!

No, you join a pig club!

The phrase "motorboating her labia" isn't something I would have thought would make me pity someone, and yet here we are.

Been there, done that. The guy was Dom AF, felt no shame or regret about it. In the BDSM circles we traveled, he'd even make jokes about it, such as "one day someone asked me 'just who do you expect to please with that little thing?' And so I answered 'myself.'" Just about the most Dom thing ever right there.