Megara Justice Machine

And a large amount of the authoritarian-leaning Republicans.

I loved his response the question about what other character he'd like to have played ("Are you kidding me?") and how he stood up for Head. Great stuff, definitely the bets interview of the lot so far.

When my ex and I split, I let her take just about everything and I can't say I miss it.

It's true! It's so lame!!

It also heinously asked a few paltry coppers of the rich to pay for the matter. The rich refused and this is the result of their meddling.

Season seven more than kind of sucked, it actively punished me for watching it.

For an administration put in place by people who say they hate politicians for lying, man do these people lie a lot and badly.

Did a fair amount in my twenties, in my early 50s now and still nothing, aside from that one three-second thing one week after a heavy trip, still back in my twenties. Could it be they lied to us about drugs???

May have just been a momentary rage thing, who knows?

Any comedy bear can tell you a chicken story is a gold mine for laughs though, Fozzie approves.

You left out the "????" step, but sadly we all don't really need to try and think why Martin ended up going down that road.

Sincerity and in-depth knowledge of what you're complaining about and why it's worth complaining about.

Pay more attention then!

More than one still haunt me months after seeing them; keep my stuck on refusing to get an FB account too.

Black Mirror isn't getting the credit here it deserves.

So yeah, we sit around trapped watching crappy movies and making snarky comments - that was prescient!

And how sad am I to come along and agree with you?

You know, the long form stuff was one of the big draws to this sight at first; its absence will be one of the things to drive me away.

Spicer has also said funny things about being the bunny (see above) and is a total dick, so it's at least half-fair.

Liberals can do two things.