Megara Justice Machine

O'Neal obviously has it out for this guy for besmirching the good name they share, 'Sean.' Man the knives came out here, this is great.

"The Wee Bigot Sessions" sounds like a character in a book set in the deep south during the Reconstruction or something, I love it.

I didn't think it would last, but I didn't think it would get blown away like a handful of dust so quickly.

User name / comment synergy there.

Republicans were always fans of the Empire, not the rebels.

That attack ad sooo worked, just read that last paragraph! Great Job News Wire!

I'm really hoping I live to see the day we tire of serial killers.

This world belongs to the billionaires now, we just live in it.

It is if you say it sarcastically.

That reminds me how when I was growing up, Amadeus didn't play my town until after it had won it's Oscar for best picture. yet Back To The Future ran a solid effing year. I mean, yeah, Back To The Future, but c'mon.

He knows what he did.

The Unites States of Comcast doesn't really sound any worse than what we've got right now.

I'm reserving my excitement until I know the album is a return to better days. Or until someone gives me a basket of kitten. Either one, I'm good.

I was watching Twister on a website just now. The sound wasn't on but I got the gist of it.

Funnily enough, I just recently read something about women who can orgasm that way, so there must be at least a few more women out there who can do that.

If you sanded down the ridges, you could put a condom on the toy to prevent the little flakes ending up inside you, unless they're pretty sharp themselves.

This is a great example.

This. If they like you, they might be up for the travel as "you're worth it."

"Safewords when gagged": I've seen it recommended that the couple (or group if it's going that way I suppose) can also have some agreed upon hand signals, which allows for the more nuanced "green, yellow red" method of safewording.