Megara Justice Machine

You could point out that, as it vibrates, it doesn't have to go in to be fun for her.

Much as I'm glad it's coming back, I'd still trade it for a different president.

Jesus celebrities, The Price Is Right is one of the only paths to wealth left for the common man in America, stop taking our few options from us!

It's sad how far over the line someone has to go these days to reach the point of "must apologize in public".

But late to be worrying about that, eh? Sounds like something to pull out the next time someone goes "Breibart blah blah." "Oh, that site that had the pedophile working with them, right?"

Predator - again?

I'm still working away in the fourth-dimensional salt mines of Alan Moore's Jerusalem and it will probably be a few more weeks to finish it because it's way too heavy to take with my on my bus ride to and from work. But I am enjoying the hell out of it.

I haven't seen anyone else say it yet, but Kellyanne Conway's mention of the Bowling Green Massacre [sic] was not "an innocent and stupid mistake" - she mentioned it a couple of times previously to the TV interview. That pretty much indicates flat-out lying, nearly as egregious as the sort Clinton was accused of

Blue Pl2net

That last one looks more like a cheesy movie with the ring of power circling the villain. Still a nice shot though, I visit that site every day.

Oh god damn it! One, one sentence in and I'm scrolling back up to the top to see who wrote this one and turns out I was right. I sure hope he's getting paid what he's worth because if I ever hear he's left I'll probably go myself.

Although I'm sure there will be some damage when all the smoke clears, it's becoming more and more clear to me that this administration's collapse is going to be effing hilarious to watch, then we'll get even more laughs as they get angrier that we're laughing.

Indeed, I read that last bit and scrolled up to confirm who had written it. I don't mean to sound like a sycophant, but he really is the most enjoyable writer here.

Just like in the primary season, this administration is going to be something we can't look away from because it's trainwreckiness is just too entertaining. Now if only it didn't actually affect anything…

At last, a Bannon scandal even the millennials can get behind!

That one (oh, how to say this delicately) a**-to-a** scene I do not ever want to see though.

Not for me. Turns out my current girlfriend of several years had never been in anything long term. Didn't change anything as far as I could see.

Did you really have to drop that one on us?

It's the clicking on such that proves otherwise.

Not having a soul or one whit of empathy for your fellow human beings who aren't rich men should help.