Megara Justice Machine

That clip with Will Arnett is great.


Oh, OK then we're good. There's a lot of fan hate for this one and I think it's fun, so I jumped the gunstick.

You and I are now enemies.

I do acknowledge that his era was badly dented by the writing (directing, budgetary problems, other actors, etc; it's a long list) most of the time, but… I just can't get into him. I do know he supposedly does great work on Big Finish though.

That's the one. It's a really fun story too.

Commenting on this story when it ran in a local paper, I already have. But I got more upvotes than he did.

As a kid from the 70s, this. Isn't it funny how anything commie used to be like Satan in league with atheists, and now the Republicans praise the Russian government, spy on us and don't seem to mind the fact they also spied on us to tip the election? Is this Bizarro world?

That is great. One of my favorite scenes from that Hartnell-era moth story (somehow I've forgotten what it's called) is the bit when they extra in the ant costumes bums into the camera.

I would have thought they'd put together one of the inevitable "The Making Of…" that would explain if they carefully followed such stuff or not. Maybe they're still working on that. Or accidentally erased it.

People named Baker made Doctor Who great!*

Oh bother.

Good thing I already had him blocked.

Beats the idea of living with the stink of spending millions to incarcerate thousands of people for a silly plant.

Yeah, but…

Torchy's? Yah, you're in for trouble. I just discovered those and love that spot.

Not only layers but pay attention to the weather forecasts! After I moved here I got caught once or twice with the "sunny day, why not wear a T shirt?" trap, shivering on the bus home as snow fell.

Back in the 90s, all those people from Texas moving up here did the same thing: survived one winter, moved back.

Knowing this much about both Who and Avengers more than drags him down to our level, though.

Thank you again for taking the time to transcribe this.