Megara Justice Machine

I didn't know anything about Buck Angel except who he is; no judgements of course, but just not my thing. Turns out he's pretty smart! Hooray for him! That was a really thoughtful repsonse.

I wish I could upvote you some more. Whilst I agree that using "Faux News" is about as politically childish as "libtard," their influence on this country has been pernicious and pretty unhelpful.

Girlfriend Justice Machine hadn't been in a "real" relationship until she met me; she was over forty. A few years before succumbing to dementia at about 86, my grandmother was dating a "nice Jewish gentleman" (as she put it in a letter to me) her own age.

This alien spore, Martian spy thing sure is a theme in these posts.

A respectable forum doesn't kiss and tell however.

I got a Community notification for this?!

"Do I fit?" Ha. I have very very rarely felt that I did. Maybe once or twice with my small circle of friends in high school and/or college, but even then I was something of an odd duck. Some of it comes down to being bi and not really understanding what that meant at the time, other parts of it come down to almost

Soulmates don't have ugly falling outses.
Then again I don't much believe in soulmates either.
I'm a cynical bastard I guess, but again, soulmates don't have ugly falling outses.

That's pretty good advice, that's how professionals do it - take a billion pictures to find that one good one. No, not professional selfie-takers (although I suppose such do exist in this age), professional photographers.

Who cares about looks? We love beema for his personality. Oh wait, that's uh… I didn't mean that we really, uh… hold on, I got this… somewhere…

Man, I'd lose that one, happily.

Isn't that sort of what rape is all about, to the men who'd do that?

So what you're telling us here is that, like that one character in Daniel Clowes' "Pussey!" who's based on Stan Lee, Stan Lee really is going to be famous forever, even though he doesn't deserve it, right?

People watched Leno YouTube clips???

You've convinced me, now I want to see Cruz run too. Just imagine the impression of him that will settle over all the voters out there who don't pay attention to the election until late August. The more they see of him the less they'll like him (or feel clean even after a shower), all those stories about how even

Or a Stride Justice Machine?

I read an article about a guy who was, as a writing experiment, trying to do stand-up. One of the feedback comments he got was that a good comedian tries to establish some sort of relationship with his audience. Talking about yourself, being yourself, is one easy way to do that.

Funny, I do the same thing, but with Andy Serkis motion capture movies.

There's very little to recommend it to anyone other than a completest, even Barbara, normally a kick-butt character, comes off poorly and nonsensically in it.

Let me guess, "downvoted"? And don't get me wrong, the place I publish these is made by fans and we do what we do to the show out of love. What's the point in loving something if you can't hate it with a burning rage, after all?