Megara Justice Machine

I went and wrote another of my snarky take-downs of a Doctor Who episode. This time it was Planet Of Giants and whoo was that like shooting fish in a barrel. Yet another one to drop on the list of "Doctor Who Episodes I will Only Watch Once."

Bunnies and Burrows! I remember a friend of mine who was semi-obsessed with Watership Down had a copy of that in the mid-80s. We never did play it though.

Maybe I misunderstand your thing about the Dutch?

I'm not one hundred percent sure I am, even though there was no blood. I really liked that cat and she's sadly no longer with me.

I dreamt once that I was cutting meat off my cat. At the time, I was eating a lot of catfish (get it?) and spending time cutting the fillets into chunks. That's exactly what my cat's meat looked like. Then I was done and put the rest of my cat on the floor, looked at her and was overcome by such wave of regret,

Hey, my best boyfriend (admittedly a short list) was Dutch!

Bean there, done that.

I'd toss this one aside too but they gave me a kickin' raise and I have three days off. No way am I worth this anywhere else. I hate it, but… they added enough sugar to the cyanide.

Sounds like the experience of buying a new car and driving it off the lot only to find out it's lost a bunch of value already.

Yeeaahhh, bug, feature, etc. As usual, the needs of a human being don't matter a jot compared to the needs of the company.
On the other hand, the person who put these changes in place is in a job position that tends to be "volatile" about every couple of years, so I might not have to suffer this long.

It's actually not as hellish as all that, certainly better than I thought it was going to be.

It's even worse for me, I have to fliflop back and forth from afternoon-to-evening shift to night-to-morning shift every week. Christ I hate people who impose such working conditions that they themselves would never do. I was happy being a vampire!

Meh, that was 39 minutes ago, what have you done lately?

Maybe it's like asking for directions, fewer guys do that? Also, what sort of straight guy wants to ask a gay man for sex advice or will admit to doing so?! The very idea!!
*monocle pop*

I was a night shift worker in a building with maybe a dozen people (and a big building at that), but the annoying powers that be switched up my schedule a few nights a week and now I have to be here with the afternoon crowd. Yuck. The best part though is I get out past midnight, go home through deserted streets and

I'm thinking it's real, a troll would usually put more effort into carefully wording things. That letter came across like the writings of someone not used to writing, unlike ourselves, who was just spilling her guts onto the page. I wish her well too.

Diamonds are also the biggest scam of jewelry. The things are just rocks and pretty damn common, why do they cost so much? Look up the history of De Beers for more information. Think about it: how many jewelry stores are there in your city, state? The world? Can these rocks be all that rare and valuable if

I love this idea and plan to use the next time I get married (if ever of course).

I used to be the sulky type when I was younger, but to hell with that noise these days, I'm more in control of those emotions. If it's something really bad though, the best thing I can do is lose myself in reading, usually nonfiction magazine articles. After an hour or so of getting out of my head, I usually return

Smarmy young'en post.