Megara Justice Machine

I'll agree with you and then point out that "even in 2016, way too many movies, sitcoms, comics, etc, rely on the
same damn [fill in the blank] joke that has been told for the past 30+ years." Pick a pet peeve, chances are it's still a living breathing thing. Granted, this one is being more exposed as BS as the

What is this world coming to when the article is long enough that we have to give people a brief synopsis before they'll read it, eh?

Don't forget the spitting, he seems all about the spitting now.

The AV Club

I had thought in the past I had seen one or two "normal" comments, but as of late all I seemed to find were the comments, so I assumed I had been mistaken. Sorry to disparage you with that label.

Granted, there's a lot of quotes to work with, but this gimmick account is often right on the money. I'd even say it deserves it's own GJ,I! if that wasn't such an an insult.

Yeah, that was the only part that really worked for me.

Well, I judge that pretty much covers it.

I've always found it illuminating for my understanding of the human condition to see an artist struggle with personal demons that may also afflict others in their shared culture. Crumb was one of the best for that, at least in comics.

I've seen unsupervised children snapping old 78s in half in Savers, I hate that place.

You know nothing, Jon Snow… den!

Ah, I had forgotten, so close!

I'm putting them on the "must track these down" list then. Granted, I'm not longer a white suburban punk, but I can still tap into that mindset pretty easily, for good or ill.

Same thing goes for Marx Bros. fans.

The AV Club

Or Rock'n'Roll HighSchool?

I had to google those two to see if I had ever seen them, which I haven't. Seriously, back in those days I was so fed up with the rotten, limited pop cultural wasteland that was avoiding it as much as I could. They were dark times, man.

You are me, at least we were each other back in the 80s it appears. Balancing of this against the pablum of John Hughes perfectly exemplifies the worst aspects of that decade to the best.

That Was Actually Not Bad At All, Internet! But Don't Let That Go To Your Head.

Ignore the video and follow that link to Soundcloud, if you have even a pale interest in 80s music. I would have killed anyone who would suggest I'd ever, ever want to hear "My Sharona" ever again, and yet the version there is wonderful. Go! Now! Run, don't walk!