Megara Justice Machine

Great post-election T shirt, you should put it on Cafe Press.

"And anyone who says my new campaign manager is a fre breathing dragon? Those people, those people are seriously the worst. No talenters, everyone of 'em. Plus I bet they've never seen his tits either. Any tits. Losers!"

The guy from the 80s production is THE Zaphod for me, so I say yes you can.

Indeed. This film also introduced me to Sam Rockwell, Charlie Kaufman and the possibility that Clooney wasn't just a shell of a Hollywood pretty boy. What kind of batting average is that? No film is perfect, but this one was damn near and great fun.

*scowls and folds arms* Still gonna see it.

As it should.

C+?! Don't care, seeing it anyways. A bad movie from this guy beats a good movie from most other people.

Sounds like your husband and I share this trait in common. Come to think of it, you and my girlfriend share your trait in common too. I really wish noise wasn't something that bothered me like it does, but it's only gotten worse with age. I've been much happier since I got my house.

I wish you luck in the coming days, for what little it's worth!

Paul Rust? Pass.

And once in that apartment with neighbors and their yelling kids, thumping bass and barking dogs, you'll miss the ol' homestead.

As a resident of Denver, allow me to offer you a sincere apology for these chuckleheads who marred your visit. I've been through the park a number of times but had yet to encounter such vermin, but my times tended to be later, so maybe they scuttle away after dark. I do skirt the area at night, and have been doing

Being free of teenage angst has been the best thing about being an adult for me. When you're a teen and into say your early twenties, everything that happens that's bad is like THE WORST THING EVAR! Oh my god the ache of life! That all mostly fades for me when I hit thirty or so.

It's like anti-botox.

“Make a terrifying discovery that challenges all they know about the fabric of reality.”

You know, as a child I actually got to read some moldering old EC comics including Tales, and thoroughly loved them. But the above article makes me remember how much I hated that TV show. Somethings should never leave the printed page.

Thanks Spidey, you're the best!

Just what we need, another Michael Bay.

Great Job, Internet! Wait, am I doing this right?