Megann Harvey

Yasssss! I found several cringy moments too! Like almost everything seems like a backhanded compliment? Almost like” Yeah! I manned up and showed how pro-woman I am and NOT BASIC by my abnormal partner selection!” And his girl is curvy, but there have been curvy “plus-sized” (I don’t like saying that) models featured

As a “curvy” chick (honestly, I like to just call myself a fat girl but people take such issue with that) I’m honestly turned off when a guy makes a big deal about being into curvy girls. I like all types of body types on a dude and I’m not making a point to fucking shout it from the rooftops.

The guilt of the male is assumed? LOL. We aren’t believed even when the male admits it.

If you feel that’s the case, then your problem is with the men who write the rules for literally everything in life, not the women.

HEY!...not once did i imply that people going to a magic mike stage show lacked integrity or class.

no, they’re just the only ones that are under aged. come on silly, think before you say things.

Lmao so no reason. Cheers

So my comment about me banging illegally trafficked sex workers and comparing it to women going to a vegas stage show is really the one that you need to stake your hypocrisy cries to? Ok then lmao

Idk what this has to do with my comment.

Well this sounds just fucking horrid. Perpetuating terrible myths about both intimate partner violence and mental illness. That’s fucking abysmal.

And unlike the strip club i go to to be worshipped, i highly doubt any of these people are human trafficking victims.

Honestly, I was so confused by the response to Letter #1 I thought I scrolled too far and was reading the wrong response. I had no clue where “loving drama!!” or “you’re lonely and need a hobby” came from.

I was pretty put off by the tone of response to the first letter too. Yes, she should probably remove herself from the situation for her own mental protection, but saying she’s just involved because she just “loves drama” or “is lonely”? What about maybe she just cares for her friend? Or she’s having PTSD from seeing

I admit I’m not a fan of Jane Marie personally (not since the reactions to her articles about flying with her daughter or trying to get a neck tattoo), so I’m biased, but I have to agree with you here. This was really not very good advice.

I really feel like this person should not be giving advice. Letter #1: obviously she can’t pull away because she’s seeing abuse but the response was incredibly insensitive and never touched on that. Letter #2: the first thing you’re going to do is scold them and then suggest more therapy? Also, I get not calling

The feelings of individuals is a scourge on left-wing politics. While the right has individualism built into it’s ideology, the left have adopted it because it is frankly easier to think about yourself all the time than it is to think about others.

Do you realise how much you undermine actual transphobia by declaring that a belief in biological sex is transphobic?

I knew this was coming.

It’s like dudes who learned to say “I want a girl who takes care of herself” instead of “no fatties” in their dating profiles. The sickness is still there, but it has a better PR spin now.

When my friend started working at her first law firm (she’s since moved to a new one), women were allowed to wear pantsuits—on Fridays as long as they weren’t meeting with clients. In every other day and situation, they had to wear suits with skirts. This was not 1955. It was 2005. And the expectation was that you