I love the “i’m offended” calls at work. My off the cuff response is usually, “tell me how this has impacted your productivity”
I love the “i’m offended” calls at work. My off the cuff response is usually, “tell me how this has impacted your productivity”
I really thought people were starting to learn not to make assumptions based upon stupid sh*t like this.
Shorts imply unprofessionalism the same way an adult diaper implies incontinence.
All last week I wore shorts to my office job. I’m doing it all this week. Anyone that doesn’t like it can get bent.
The only thing I remember about this movie is the yellow dress sans bra. It was viscerally uncomfortable for me, a junior in HS, to see overt nipples. It was probably the first time that I was cognitively aware that “a woman’s body is fine, nipples are normal, so why is this uncomfortable?”.
Don’t renounce your citizenship. Don’t let them win. Don’t reawrd this assholes putting them in charge of a big economy. That said: I am also switching from donating to the DCCC to donating to Emily’s list and individual candidates. Fuck this.
Yup. Not here for this.
There is no reason to think that this will win them any votes. People who vote Republican will not just suddenly vote Democrat over this one issue. A choice-friendly Republican will beat an forced-birth Democrat in Republican strongholds every time, no question. Not to mention, a candidate that believes women have no…
Democrats can be anti abortion within the context of their own life...the “abortion isn’t for me, but you are free to make your own choices” is just fine with me. What’s not fine is people within the Democratic Party actively working to eliminate other people’s rights to their own choices and bodily autonomy.
A woman’s right to choose is not negotiable.
Selling out women’s rights for votes. Thanks, democratic party!
Yep. Women and minorities are disposable on both sides of the isle.
This isn’t going to win more democratic voters, but it will walk back progress for women. The election wasn’t lost because of abortion. This is infuriating.
Look how easy people in power decide that the easiest thing to do to win a potential few extra votes is to fuck over women. It’s disgusting.
I’ve been a loyal voting democrat, but they won’t get a penny from me going forward. I will only individually support pro-choice candidates. At least until I can move far away and renounce my citizenship. Even if the trump admin implodes, this leaves a power grab road map for future sociopathic misogynists. I’m facing…
Fucken hell. I get what they’re doing but de-prioritizing bodily autonomy is a terrible plan.
Mandatory classes in school on birth control/free condoms would work wonders to curbing excess children.
It’s funny yet bizarre, how so many of you believe women never give long bullshit, weasel answers, or talk down to men or other women?
Fucking thank you!!!
One of the men instructed her to drive to his relatives’ house so one of his friends could have sex with her.