
I wish my kids would collude against me to stop arguing and come to an agreement.

Haha! Came here for this. Leaving satisfied.

New pads and rotors on my E30.

Respect to the Lincoln, the S2000, the Eldorado, and the E-Type. However, E30 Convertible is the best convertible. How does this not make the top ten?

Look upon this vehicle and despair. Just imagine driving this uninspired and anemic this four-pot without becoming filled with irrational loathing.

Father skills are at 11 here. Well done sir!!

Anybody else get the impression that green Altima in the clip was racing the Infinit?

This thing is the sex. Wow. Just. Wow. I am absolutely floored. I think the drool from my mouth has just ruined my computer.

My Father own’s a restored Fiat 124 (a beautifully restored green one). There’s something really special about it. I have to say that I love this car’s beauty. That rust hole gives me some hesitation, but I’m gonna go NP for the oily bits and other mechanicals being in such great shape.

Right after I got back from Venezuela in 2003, I bought a gold colored E34 525i manual with wheels from an E39. The wheels looked better on the E34 than they ever did on the E39.

That sucks. Mine was a 95' I keep thinking I’ll find a 540i, but it’s never materialized. the 2.5 litre strait six got it up to 120ish. They’re great vehicles. Totally worth it.

Right after I got back from Venezuela in 2003, I bought a gold colored E34 525i manual with wheels from an E39 (pictured below).

Cool build!

I freakin’ love this series. Comments are just as good as the article.

E30 for the win! The support community is big, parts are plentiful, fun to hoon/race and most are pretty reliable. E30 cabrio is my current project car (just for kicks, not for racin’). 210,000 on the odo and still runs strong.

Wait just a darn-tootin’ minute. You own a PT Cruiser? AND just admitted it? On this site? You’re a braver man than I. Way to keep it real, amigo.

Maybe I’m too jaded, but isn’t that simply the nature of Capitalism in general? Buy cheap and sell for a profit? I suppose if one has an issue with capitalism, one will also have an issue with flipping a car.

Aaaaaaaawwwwwww yeeeaaaaahhhh. “When there’s trouble you call D-W.