
I, for one, am grateful for the enormous amounts of time and energy devoted to this project.

What you have stated is the general rule regarding the corporate veil, and it is also true that nearly every multinational corporation does business with a foreign subsidiary. However, for every general rule there is an exception.

If $kay shows me a picture of this guy in a speedo on a Lada I will be seriously impressed. And scared. And I will have the innocence of my youth shattered.

I agree that we expect too much of movies, but also, I think a large measure of the criticism is merely the desire to take down Marvel and put something else in its place.

My NSX passions were sated. Thank you sir.

I’ll stick with Uncle Joe and get the ‘Vette, thank you.

If they’re 540i send the info to me. I’d buy them in a heart-beat.

I wonder what the BBC would have to say about this infringing on their trademark.

Now playing

Wait a minute! Who doesn’t like Phil Collins? People without two ears or a heart, that’s who.


Megamullin likey. Megamullin want Clubman.

They look like puppies playing!

Because: Obligatory

As well you should.

Couldn’t agree more. I liked the look of the old GLK. It had clean lines and was different from what everybody else is doing and was doing.

This courage cannot be overstated:

That was immensely hilarious.

You always know its classy when you have garbage cans on the back of your Geo.

Not crazy. Beautiful.