
Yes it was. And both cars looked great.

I like almost everything except this line. The continental should be a straight line all the way back, IMO. That's why that 2002 concecpt looks so striking.

Well, they did it, anyway.

Ha! that's right. It's not extactly setting the bar very high.

There must be a next time. We're curious.

This is the best thing to have happened in the history of things. I that dose of hilarity today. Thanks Torch.

For the love of everything that is good and right in the world, please let this be true.

Why can't Tyrion be Aegion VI? That makes both theories about Aegon and Tyrion true... Unless the timing is off in some way I didn't notice..

You're probably right, but they seem to get it pretty close for the most part (at least so far as I can tell). Even so, if the Secret Service wanted to keep part of it classified, they still could (in much the same way they do now). I understand there are tunnels and bunkers that are classified, but they could always

I'm OK with giving some number of millions of dollars to replicate the White House. However, I bet you could drastically reduce the cost and have a much better replica if you asked the major Hollywood Studios to build it and foot 3/4 of the price.

No more taxes. Can't believe this hasn't been mentioned yet.

You sir win the internet today.

That is the cleanest best looking Pontiac of that era I have seen since they were new. However, even when new, they were CP at any price.

This kid be like: Another day at Wal*Mart.

Now playing

I know it's important, and I'm trying desperately to care, but autonomous cars:

Tow hook access point?

In addition to the hair, what is that blank space under the passenger light? A tow hook?

Here's hoping its better than this one: