
Uncomfortable patronizing.

Mike, I understand, on some level, your criticism, but I stand by my statement. By your line of thinking we shouldn't investigate anyone of any wrongdoing (or react to it), even if we have evidence. To investigate would require us to "assume" wrongdoing.

Yes. I CAN pull your boat with my Camaro. Sure, it can load the boat into the ocean. I mean, what's the worst that can happen? I mean, all that horsepower could probably move the earth, amaright, bro! *gratuitous high fives all around.

Need moar Bean!

The current perception is Toyota = Reliable. Until Mazda = Reliable, people will drive the Camry. Though I will grant you, much of Toyota's reliability is just that: perception, not reality.

So, cheating is OK, if in retrospect it turns out that the cheating wouldn't have made a difference? What if a team genuinely cheats, then loses. Is that OK, too? The incentive of your is to simply "cheat bigger." Blow them away, then cheating doesn't matter. I think if they cheated, they should be punished,

Impulse buys = Higher profits. The longer it takes for the car to arrive, the less likely the consumer will be to buy on impulse.


This! This is comparable to Tuerk's drift. The look of intensity as the actor slides on his horse is acting that cannot be taught.

Nice touch.

Nothing says confidence like a built-in fire extinguisher.

Rich, how many trucks do you have to sell for Nissan to consider this a success?

Said no one ever.

Men are always the same. Wearing inappropriate clothing for the weather to show they are tough.

High on horsepower + delusions of grandeur = Awesome. Don't think about it too hard.
