
Yeiii boobs are ok now, but for milking purposes only

Yes, you are. You can disagree violently and debate violently, but you can’t physically attack people.

I don’t believe you that Taylor Swift attacked other people; that would violate Asimov’s Laws of Robotics and cause her positronic brain to melt down.

Yes Kanye was just minding his own business and is a true victim. Try harder.

Confession: the more I hear this song, the more I like it. I don’t want to like it but the heart wants what it wants.

Straight up Light Years era, but sorry Jenner, those huge rubber cans mean that backlit chiffon will always look porny on you now. There’s only one Kylie.

Oh yeah, how the top comment is “you can be a feminist and a cheater”.

I’d forgotten about that!

I was skeptical once.

I think the “god” part is the trouble, and despite the over-sharing, she’s hit the nail on the head with the “I want people to realize he’s human” line. Putting anybody on a pedestal is unhealthy for both sides.

Eh, do you really think she should just slink off into the night?

I support his wife in sharing her story, and I imagine it was very empowering to let go of the need to keep secrets and lies that really belong to someone else. I’ve been there — going along with initially small lies out of love and loyalty, and then realizing how big they’ve grown over time.

The group organizing our local counter rally is a complete shitshow I know on the day that MANY people are going to show up and lend their bodies to the group (me included), but the infighting now would be comical if it wasn’t just so damn depressing.

I already commented but I like this interpretation. If we spent as much time organizing politically as we do dissecting the intentions of liberal comedians, we might actually have a chance at changing things.

What every woman holding up this toxic monument of unabashed misogyny deserves:

Mueller’s lawyer M. Gabriel McFarland asked Swift whether she was “critical” of her then bodyguard, Greg Dent, for not intervening. Swift responded, “No, I am critical of your client for sticking his hand under my skirt and grabbing my bare ass.”

Here’s the thing: Fuck you and fuck off, twerp.

Ewwwwwwwwwwwwww. **Shudders** Ugh, I want to take a shower for Brigitte. I would have been so repulsed by the up and down look. I say this pretty much every day, but, “I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS DICK BAG IS THE PRESIDENT!”

All I know about the L Word was it wasn’t Queer as Folk, and I love Pam Grier.

@LivingVicariouslyThroughMyself: I read them. Alof of them. Well, I listened to them on audiobook during long runs while marathon training. The writing is horrible but if you can distance yourself from the "I hope my 12 year old daughter/ niece/ cousin/ neighbor never dates a guy like this" it's kind of enjoyable.