
My theory would be that people are pairing the product with dry shampoo and that causes the damage. I am also know to develop theories whole cloth with no basis of support though so grain of salt.

I have fine, blonde hair but it is kind of bullshit curly where I don’t get good spirals or wave or even volume, just sort of constant frizz and for whatever reason my sweaty hair is my best hair.

My skin is sort of stupidly sensitive, I can only take a shower or bath once per week and even then my skin punishes me. It is sort of a delicate balance between praying I don’t smell bad and full body hives. It is sort of a dark secret because there has to be a solid chunk of the world that would think I am

It is crazy how different we all are! I can sweat forever and my hair just gets salty.

Not to sound like a crazy hippie, but I shampoo my hair maybe once a month and it isn’t as bad as you would think. My hair has always been sort of greasy and brittle and thin and frizzy and I wanted to do something about the damage and I had already given up all chemicals and hot tools and here really wasn’t anywhere

Oh goodness, that is just heart wrenching. My heart breaks for that poor girl.

My theory was they were for trying on purposes. Like you want to try on a blazer but you are wearing a pullover so you grab a shirt from the display to make that blazer lay right.

I feel like my mom had a conversation with me at one point cluing me in that love is powerful and painful and it will fuck your shit up if you let it. I went into love level headed and prepared and the boys I met were all clueless romantic idiots, utterly unprepared for the depth of emotion and ready to propose

Aww, that is actually kinda creepy sweet?

I got a dude in my feed rocking a breakup right now and I desperately want to pm him that he can feel his grief and all, but telling all of social media how much you still love your ex is kinda overkill. Like maybe get a journal?

I... Kind of want the candy one? Like I am not proud, but that looks like it would work for me?

That is perfection! I love pie and would have totally been on that team if my darling husband didn’t look so sad when I suggested it.

Omg what if everything really IS about me?

If so that would mean it started right when I got engaged and ended right after my wedding.

On the night of our engagement my husband and I solemnly promised that our wedding would have absolutely nothing in it that we weren’t completely into.

My mom thinks I am hilarious.

That is for sure the most probable explanation. Another mystery solved.

Not to be that girl but I actually just got a bakery cake for my wedding for that very reason. Cost $30, looked great, tasted like magic.

For me it is the two style thing. They are fine on their own but I feel like the combo throws off the grace each type and makes it into some Frankenstein thing

Only so I can make it stop existing.