
It is $3 per veil if you don’t get another comb so I figured it was a cheap vice. 😁

Is this where we veil boast? Because I made this for my SIL and I am proud as hell.

I am a decently talented seamstress and I have made the veil for every wedding that I have been to in the last five years plus a handful that I was not on the guest list for.

My notebook is getting soooo fuuull though. Can’t I just continue to coast on whimsical privledge? I mean, my friend has a cousin whose other cousin dated a black guy once and she said it was cool...

As a white girl that sounds a lot like a white girl wasted moment to me.

Team meetings?

I don’t think anybody goes into marriage thinking it is doomed, but we have as good a shot as anybody. He is very kind and sweet, my parents adore him and and he loves cats. And I am 29 (he is 30) so we are probably over the hump of the early marriage.

Just got married. In my twenties 😍

I tend to cut parents a lot of slack because kids are relentlessly difficult and most mothers and fathers in my life are just trying to make it through the day.

You just said everything in my head so much better than me.

Um. I would pretty actively pissed if I had a fussy baby in my vacinity for six months. I really don’t think that a “mama” should get to unilaterally decide to mess up my workflow and my ability to do my job just because she wants her baby close to her. In life we all make choices. When a person has a child there are

Can we talk about how good glee was that half season before it got bad? It seriously still breaks my heart how that went down.

For sure, but the question is why are babies uniquely annoying, and my answer is that someone else’s cell phone does not trigger my lizard brain, but crying babies make me want to drop everything and provide nurturing cooing noises.

She lost me when someone else claimed to hear a crying baby from the podium. That isn’t a baby peep, that is a crying baby. One might be ok, but if there were more? It gets disruptive quick. Just because we are women and some women are mothers doesn’t mean every moment needs to have a squalling infant involved.

Baby cries are different to me because at my core when I hear a crying baby I want to pick it up and fix the problem. Obviously this is not appropriate behaviors so I don’t, but it is stressful to want to help this tiny human and be completely helpless. It eats up your brains pace and turns me into an anxious mess.

I feel like a baby peep to the author sounds a lot more like a period of unhappy wails to everyone else.

Breastfeeding is my guess.

But white people get criticized for NOT eating ethnic food as well so... I’m gonna go ahead and be in the wrong but with better food.

No, the two are not mutually exclusive 😀.

Yes, his behavior rings very true for his circumstances. It is completely rational but still hella creepy when compared to your average five year old who wasn’t raised in a shed.