eats books and leaves

I think he wasn’t held enough as a baby. (NOT blaming his parents for how he is, I don’t know anything about them.)


I like spicy peppers. However, once at a Turkish restaurant that I love I encountered a pepper I had never seen before. I ate it.

oh goddddddddddddd

REARGUE in that big font didn’t even look like a word. It looked like it should be pronounced REAR-GYOO.

Alexa always tells my son that she just wants to be friends when he proposes to her.

I made these once but then my hands smelled like I’d been smoking at the club for hours. 

They cut whole musical numbers out of Rudolph for broadcast.

Oh, like Gwyneth Paltrow’s pink Oscars dress. You’re right, it really didn’t look like it fit!  

He sure likes to say “Oh boy” a lot.

dear god in heaven i do love that gravy though

Definitely worse than when my kid found a gummy bear in his taco.

I just watched that again recently and wished Kirk had been around to give my ex that information before he tried to have a marriage and a family and a swinging single life all at once.

- Me every day since I moved here 19 years ago.

Line out the door and around the building 20 minutes after the place opened where I live, but it’s a small church. Still, it looked busy. :)

ok sold

although a picture of a cat sleeping IN one of these would be hilar

Heck no. Taste aside, I have several cats, and very limited floor space. Two very good reasons I need to be choosy about this kind of thing.

Ralph Fiennes as Heathcliff stan here.