Hmm, aside from the boots (I tended toward ballet flats), that first row could just be titled “Me In High School.”
Eek, #notallmediocrewhitemen
No, see, this is something else I learned. I control everything. All of my actions and emotions were my fault, and all of his were also my fault. I was told this very clearly.
Its really about taking a commitment seriously, and then not putting yourself in the position to do something stupid. Like recognizing that a work friendship is getting a little too flirty and cooling it off.
It’s a busy night and the dispatcher’s gonna stay on the line for something that’s Probably Nothing? Is that something that usually happens?
remember he said that he was going to Washington to root out corruption but then if it turns out he’s incredibly corrupt himself
Which does not at all suggest that allowing a woman to deliver a baby on a mattress in a dirty jail cell is remotely humane or legal.
Ugh, that sucks that that happened to her. And I do like that movie, and aside from that I like her in it.
OMG I just got a pair of Jessica Simpson shoes and I LOVE THEM. I got these and they are soooo comfy. I’d post a pic but Kinja does not allow it.
Well the rule isn’t actually against impugning, but imputing. :/
I attended public schools in four different states. I’m very grateful that my parents didn’t have to shell out tons of extra money for me to get a good education. Public education is important. I’ve played Sim City and I know.
* rein in
I woudn’t mind seeing Kenan as Omarosa.
“In no other area of law are competent adults required to seek permission from others in order to receive their medical care,”
I laid the lights thing on my kids this morning as an example of if you can’t figure something out yourself, you should contact an expert and then take notes when they explain things to you. Rather than staggering around in the dark and pretending things are fine or that you are the smartest person on the planet. Heh.
Please please please let her return during the Baldwin-hosted show. Pleeeeeease let her playing Spicer be a recurring thing! PLEASE!
What is this, the last stages of Ukrainian alcohol psychosis?
Another thing I noticed last night when I heard him but wasn’t watching, is that he kind of sounds like a child. If you don’t know it’s him, and you only listen, you can kind of picture a fifth grader saying his lines.
Someone had to say it.