eats books and leaves

Forevergrey (at least after the last site reset!) unite!

I really liked the look of the Bolt’s concept car. The clear roof (which I’m sure wasn’t practical but still) could have helped make up for the loss of my sunroof, should I ever get a new car. I miss that roof. Clinging desperately to my 13 year old compact for now.

... so it’s like a date with my ex then.

I believe it. There is a Polish restaurant here that makes it and I LOVE it.

*sound bite

I’m gonna look all these up. I can’t afford any of it but you have intrigued me! It may be niche, but it sounds like it’s my niche. :) Thanks!

And look what he taught his kids! :(

Oh no. We have passes there and love to go see the flamingos. Poor Pinky.

I didn’t really have an opinion one way or another on the granite till you said it was cemetery granite and that just makes it super cool to me. My mom is into genealogy and I spent quite a lot of my childhood in cemeteries. I like them. :D

This is something they do. they pretend to care about African-American babies without addressing the poverty that likely figures in to a lot of those abortion decisions. It’s reprehensible.

My guess is his response will be something along the lines of, “Yeah, so?” with a dash of “if you didn’t want to be sexually assaulted, you should have avoided it.” >.<

Exactly. Just like Facebook didn’t wreck my marriage; my husband using it to chat constantly with his grad school crush while ignoring me for hours at a time did.

Me neither! Odd.

Cool! :) I preordered it from B&N but never received it. :(

Some of those I’ve seen critiquing it are not familiar with scriptreading or with how scripts differ from books in a literary sense. I haven’t read it yet but I’m going to reserve judgment till I do and till I’ve seen criticism from people who have scriptreading bona fides. :)

I’m sure I’m not in before someone posts the bugssawing.gif, but JSYK, despite his job title, he does not represent the Florida I know and live.

See if there are any independent sewing stores in your area. They often offer classes too.

Someone come teach me how to use my sewing machine.

Well, I wouldn’t have allowed myself to be objected to it either, if I could have quit and known I still would have been able to eat the next day, or pay the rent. Jeez.

My sons would like to dispute this woman’s claim that they feel disparaged.