
Dear Gareth,

I dream of a world without Avatar.

Sean Patrick Flannery gotta eat!

I've actually got quite a good idea for how to 'fix' Dexter and bring it back. I feel sufficiently angry (still!) at the final season that I intend to write it up and send it to Showtime. I'll even pay the international postage costs to mail it to the US of A. That's how FURIOUS I am with season eight!

You're kidding, right? Sadly, I'm pretty sure you aren't…

Really? Wow, totally missed that, ta for replying. Not sure I'd describe C4 as 'some obscure channel' as DI Keith Fowler did above, but he's a Stewart Lee fan, so I won't argue with him.

That means it's time to kill Superman again!

Which channel was that? I'm in the UK and didn't know it had ever been screened here. Was it Bravo or Paramount or something?

Things have moved on from Tribbles. The first episode of Star Trek: Discovery will revolve around Sea Monkeys.

Being in the UK I was aware of this show when it was on but never saw it (although I think it was shown without the interactive element eventually over here). But decades later, and even after reading about it online, I STILL don't understand how the interactive thing worked. If you 'shot' a character on the screen,

Ben Oda - memorable name, perfect style. Surprised his name hasn't popped up here yet. You kids!

The law I refer to is, as I stated, the copyright reversion that gives back Cameron control of the Terminator in 2019. I'm no lawyer, but that law is a fact and I just wondered if it would apply to Moore and Gibbons? A bit of Googling found this, which looks to me like they may have a case in a few years time. http://d

Does Alan Moore have a claim on Watchmen under the same law that gives back James Cameron the rights to the Terminator in a couple of years? Anyone know?

I felt Numb3rs could have run for a few more years quite easily. Whilst it never really hit the heights, it was always a solid, intelligent and enjoyable watch. Surprised it hasn't been touted for a return already.

The first season and a half of the 1966 version is still my favourite Batman interpretation. Can't wait to see this, I was worried it had been canned as there was so little info on it. I couldn't care less if West and Ward sound old - I'm just glad they're both still with us.

I went in with such low expectations from the reviews that I actually *cough* somewhat enjoyed it. I'm not saying it's a good film, but it's certainly watchable and i've seen far worse.

A parachute with a big Joker face on it would have been a nice (and welcome) touch.

Good God, yes! One of the best TV shows i've ever seen! Stop whatever you're doing and go and start it right now - SO much better than the movie versions.

Good grief, I thought this was just my dad who has this problem. I'll tell him to go to a site, he puts it in google, then thinks that the results page is the site itself. I've explained to him that's like opening a telephone directory, finding someone's number, then wondering why you can't talk to them yet. But he

I've wondered that about the jurors too. Someone (Geraldo?) should hook them all up to lie-detectors and ask them if they still really believe they made the right decision.