
This will probably be my last Disqus post on here. I am fearful.

He might be able to say it, but he probably wouldn't be able to spell it.

And you'll have a great time, as I did last year in London. Seriously, anyone who likes his movies will love his concerts.

Any woman near Trump needs all kinds of protection…

Wow! I thought I was the only person who was watching that!

Kinda like in FlashForward. Except they were crows. And they were dead.

"I prefer suns that don't get obscured".

Truly now it can be said that Trump doesn't see color. Or anything else.

Live Muppet Shows? Whitmire could anyone want?

30 Reich.

Donald Trump is the first Alt-President.

Here in Britain I keep reading about how this or that is 'taking the UK by storm'. Usually it's some nonsense about a cheap iphone or something. But the laser eye surgery ones with specific place-names are my faves - when I see something like 'Dagenham residents are stunned by this', I imagine the knuckle-dragging

Wall Str3et: Blue Horseshoe Melts Anacott Steel.

It's probably because no-one actually gives a shit, due to the fact that Bee and Jones are comedians, whilst these bell-ends are lawmakers. There's a difference.

Whilst I think Disney's handling of all of this has been extremely poor, I remember thinking that Kermit's voice sounded a bit off during the recent series. Maybe some execs thought the same and came up with this other nonsense as a reason to kick Whitmire off the show.

I had the good fortune to meet him in 1998 where I told him exactly that. Strangely enough the words I think I used popped back into my head this morning when I saw he had died - I think I said 'You really deserved that Oscar for Ed Wood. It was a brilliant film and you were brilliant in it'. He signed me a really

Nobody cares about Darb!

As any internet user under 25 knows, the headline should actually read 'could of or should of'.

Well, #476 was excellent (obviously) but after #477 (mostly reprint, although i didn't know that at the time) Detective stopped being available here in Britain for a while - when they reappeared (around #495 i think) they weren't great. But then Wolfman and Perez's Teen Titans came out not long after, which got me

Shaking hands with Adam West in London at a signing in the late 80's remains one of the highlights of my life. It was the first TV show I ever truly loved, and got me into reading DC Comics from the age of six (starting with the classic Detective #475, fact-fans), which then ended up with me working in a comic book