
Me too brother, I actually flew from England to Las Vegas to sit in on his trial in 2008. Not sure this fantastic-looking series will ever be screened here in the UK sadly, don't think there's much appetite after the ACS show (which is already being re-run over here). Might have to watch this one *gulp* illegally!

^ This.
And where's the latest season of Bates Motel?

Is Pornhub run by Junior Senior?

It's on the Daily Mail website? That means it's not true.

Arrested DeveLobot

It will turn out that the Log Lady has a daughter - who owns a twig.

I'd never really thought about how old he was. He was 25?!? Wow. That was an incredible performance he put in, not least bearing in mind the talent he was sharing the screen with. People used to wonder how just wearing glasses meant that people didn't know Clark Kent was Supes, but he looks SO different in the two

Thing is Lysander, I do always steer well clear of reviews before viewing - however, this isn't really a review, which is why I thought I'd check.
Thanks for all the replies, i'll wait until we get that episode over here (probably in the year 2019 or something) before reading the piece.

Would I be correct in presuming that the article is dripping with spoilers? I'm in the UK so won't see this episode for a while. Can I read it now or should I wait?

That's 'Angelo's', which was shown on Channel 5 and was/is available on DVD. It was also repeated on Comedy Central years ago. I haven't bothered to check (why should I?), but i think it may have come before Pulling, although i could be totally wrong about that. Angelo's was very good, but Pulling was better.

Yeah, Hack was a good show, even though the second season was a bit watered-down (didn't he fall in love with an ex-nun or something?).

I saw it today, on the FIRST day of release here in the UK, and I was the only one there, surrounded by about 200 empty seats. I haven't seen any promotional material at all for the movie over here, so i thought i should go and see it before it probably vanishes in a week's time. To be honest, having such low

Batshit Sgt. Kay Howard or GTFO.

It was a rehearsal for her starring role in the upcoming all-female reboot of Dredd.

He calls himself Arrow now and appears on a different show.

That's a bit like saying that cancer is the best part of CancerAids.

She's come back for season two? That makes one of us!

I didn't watch Sledge Hammer for the first few months ITV was showing it, i assumed it was just another forgettable US drama (like Hardball or Wiseguy) dumped in a night-time slot. After I accidentally stumbled on an episode i knew what a big mistake i'd made and i both watched and recorded it every week from then on.

She did say something about being the daughter of Einarr, whic is kinda Rani spelt backwards…

Fantastic show. There was a gap of about three years(!) between the screening of seasons 1 and 2 here in the UK, guess the ratings were lousy here too.
Not too late for season 3, HBO! Do it!