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    I don’t have kids but do have dogs, and toss tied bags of dog poop in outdoor trash cans.

    It’s also extremely shitty to the kids, in my opinion, and honestly I hope it isn’t true. That complicates their relationships with all their caregivers (at an already stressful time - their parents’ divorce) and makes their ability to trust someone’s presence in their lives depend on their dad’s boner. Even if the

    Yeah, I totally get that. Even though I can see where Kylie is coming from with this (having once been an unsubtle teen myself) and in some ways finding it positive, a very thick layer of my reaction is essentially “Kylie, be chill.” I think it’s partially because as a teen I didn’t understand how vulnerable I was,

    True. All my roads lead to poorness.

    I think teen boys are capable, by and large. They just live in a culture that has low expectations for them, and perpetuates their sense of entitlement while it erases female desire as unbecoming. I think we (adults) stifle teens with low expectations, generally. If we set a better example and held more appropriate

    I think the script has not flipped, as I was a teen not that long ago and I have worked with teens more recently, and it continues that blowjobs are run of the mill but cunnilingus is a more advanced/possibly still ‘icky’ act among many. I think female pleasure is still kind of an ‘afterthought’ and the assumption is

    Cara was fine, those hosts were rude and horrible.

    Agree it’s pretty distasteful, but you know to many a 17 year old it’s the height of edgy humor.

    I’ve heard a rationale about the “no problem” one, which is basically like “HOW DARE YOU IMPLY THAT THERE COULD BE ANY CONTEXT IN WHICH MY INSANE REQUEST MIGHT CONSTITUTE A PROBLEM?!?!?” The don’t worry about it one is the same but just... man. I’m just trying to be kind to the crazy people I have to hustle for money,

    Why do certain crotchety regulars get so angry when you remember them and kindly anticipate their needs? It is just the most bizarre phenomenon of serving. I worked at a place where one regular had a very complicated special order that was so consistent that it had it’s own button on our POS, identified by her name.

    I’m not leaving my husband. However, if you recognize you do something inconsiderate I’d suggest it’s in your power to correct your behavior, if you want to badly enough.

    Yes, but most can’t afford to also not work outside the home. Some can, no judgment - I’m not suggesting women should have to have kids to justify... well, anything. Look, this comment was intended to poke fun at how studies like this aren’t actually helpful in terms of providing guidance to lay people on how to

    I’ve lived in college towns in the midwest and south, and it seems like I’ve never been more than an arm’s length from cocaine.

    That’s understandable, but when you’re sharing responsibility with someone it can lead to them not being able to tell what exactly needs to be done, or redoing things you’ve already done, or an otherwise generally inefficient and frustrating experience. So I’d say communicate what you have done, at least?

    I think it’s hard to know, especially at first. I think it’s most important to make sure you’re talking about things like chore-sharing from the get-go. It makes it way easier to talk about it in an ongoing way, and to feel more like you’re on the same team about figuring out what arrangement will work for you both in

    I’m sorry you have to deal with a sleep disorder, but I’m glad you and your husband have found an arrangement that meets both your needs and makes you both happy! Fixing up a house would be so much work but would be so cool and rewarding.

    True. And I am far too lazy.

    I mean it’s the same thing, though I guess you skirt harsher potential sentences by sticking to cocaine.

    I mean yeah it definitely is both partners’ equal responsibility to maintain their life together, regardless of gender, by some mutually derived agreement. I just only have a male husband.

    WE HAVE THE SAME LIFE. I am a better cook than I used to be but still not very good or ambitious, so he cooks pretty much all the time and I clean. He makes far more elaborate meals than I would so there is a lot of cleanup and he manages to get food everywhere. If we try to cook together he is too persnickety about