
There’s already two daughters of Spider-Man narratives (May-Day and the Spider-Girl Defalco run, Annie-May in the Renew Your Vows series) so yeah... this is kinda the first time they’ve explored a Parker son, so what’s wrong with that?

Peter’s had more daughters (Annie and May) than sons.  Making it a son this time is a win for Diversity.

They’re hockey players.  Usually from some small Canadian suburb/town.  Why would Winnipeg make any difference to them?

The way Young orchestrated his career makes his argument hypocritical bullshit, and nothing more.

just curious... How does owning a bunch of shit and saying that you built a PC validate your opinion? Lots of people you dislike and disagree with have those things and have built their own PC.

This seems like “I’m sorry - there was no way for me to know that she’d become single again right after you and I got married.”

I agree with your general point, but I’ve got to take exception to your characterization of what Belichick did to the K-Gun. The Bills’ offense scored 17 points in 19 minutes in Super Bowl XXV, and Thurman Thomas looked like Tecmo Bo in that game. It wasn’t Belichick’s D that won that game, but rather the Giants’

Hell, Iron Man was a gamble. He was a C-lister at the time and a good chunk of the population thought he was a robot in a few polls I saw back in the day. 

While Kingsley’s (false) Mandarin was markedly toned-down in terms of his overall Fu Manchu-ness, he was still presented as an alcoholic, drug-using lout for comedic effect, placing him squarely in caricature territory all the same.  

Orlovsky is actually really, really good as an analyst. He’s insightful, has contagious enthusiasm, and he communicates well. Don’t be put off by his accomplishments as a pro. He's worth a follow on twitter.

And then your alarm clock went off?

One of the biggest things here is about them covering everything up. Assuming that literally every adult male is a child rapist is a bad mentality.

All the test screenings have been great, but it’s also a horror superhero film which DC is too scared to release. It might end up being bad but that will be due to the meddling of the mouse more than anything else. 

That ‘85 MNF game against the previously-undefeated Bears was pretty sweet, too.

I thought it was a really cool idea to see the X-men mutants be explored in the horror (and other) genre instead of just always being superheroes all the time. I was clamoring for it when I saw the original trailer, but definitely not an extremely watered down version thats more designed to get into future movies

Well, it triggered you, so clearly it’s still a thing.

Yeah. That’s how I remember it. There was no need for a large number of ravens to go after him. That red headed dude was gonna kill him right there.

Or you know, maybe don’t be so personally offended by a cup showing up for 2 seconds. It’s sad so many people are.
just a thought.

You’re right, they do move in years, specifically in what you cited, 2 or 3 years, I’d say even 4 years planned sometimes.

Don’t believe that nonsense that D&D rushed the final two seasons for Star Wars.