Numbers in mmo’s are relative. They don’t really matter when it’s about time spent and difficulty killing something that really matters.
Numbers in mmo’s are relative. They don’t really matter when it’s about time spent and difficulty killing something that really matters.
Dumb headline. These are people who are not just risking a night in jail and some community service but risking torture and death for themselves for this act.
Seems his players enjoy it.
Perhaps the whole university of Baylor needs to be given the death penalty.
Ya, how dare a white person have an opinion. Oh wait, that’s literally what Oscar Robinson is asking for white athletes to do, interject themselves.
They can come out and say something along the lines of “I stand with LeBron or I kneel with Colin” and highlight the talking points of another smarter and more well rounded athlete or famous person.
Cities have insurance for this. Until LEO’s directly can be sued and their pensions taken away from them as part of settlements LEO’s won’t care who sues and for how much.
Of course Trumplestilskin is aware that players taking a knee in the NFL is over officers using POC as target dummies. Hence him leading the charge to take the narrative away from what is predominately men of color and turn it into something else all together and that’s Jingoism, not patriotism as he claims.…
Rape of Nanking, Comfort women, Unit 731, torture of POW’s, cannibalism on captured allies, forced labor. Japan was routinely committing war crimes during WWII against everyone they were in conflict with.
The Jags though have a two tone helmet with the gold in the back and black in the front. Some of the other teams you mentioned like the Bengals, Chargers and Rams have stripes in specific pattern and the rest have a logo that is facing the direction the player is looking like the Chiefs arrow or the Washington teams…
I happen to agree with Mercer in what the DM brings to a game of D&D. Far too often I read comments on D&D questions or posts against the idea that the DM helps create and direct the story in tandem with the players. Most D&D games are shared storytelling among the group and that includes the DM.
Real is a team built to deal with the Champions League and probably manage their players with the Champions League as the number one priority, not the La Liga or Copa Del Rey.
He probably waited as long as he could; but his Doctor has probably told him that a full recovery by time Kyrie wants to start working out meant he couldn’t wait any longer for the surgery.
Grats to Will. Well done. Did anyone expect anything but a crash from Patrick btw?
Being stabbed on the court is far different to having a baby. You can’t compare the two scenarios.
Do you have to pay royalties to Vox Machina for every old person murdered?
Most players play evil characters are chaotic idiots, no matter their alignment or back story.
The DM creates the narrative, sets the stage, writes the plot, and then lets the players fill in the script. Both the players and DM write the story together, and I’m going to be honest with you here, most players would rather be led along the story rather than write it themselves, hence why we’ve had generations of…
That wouldn’t be slurping at Trumplestilskins knob nor his facist racist followers.
How are the Raiders non functional? They have finally fixed their stadium issues, they fired a coach who couldn’t scheme talented players to a winning season and they have a competent GM now. Seems to me since the younger Davis took over the Raiders have become a competent team, even making a play off appearance.