
I feel like there are whole pro leagues of 18 and younger basketball, baseball, hockey and soccer players and yet we don’t really hear about sexually abusing a minor being something that happens often. I’m talking 10's of thousands of men world wide and OWL is in its first year and this is already an issue? If Blizz

That’s not very many players at all. How many years does the NBA with the smallest pro roster of traditional sports go between players being accused of sexually abusing a child?

The league is fine. Blizzard needs to implement mandatory background checks by teams on all players signed and future signings as well as create an actual CoC that is publicly available and stridently enforced at both the team and league level.

Once you sign that contract you’re not a kid or young person, you’ve become a business person and it’s time to start acting like an adult if you’re anywhere above 15 in age.

Eh no. This is the guy we don’t want being what will amount to the poster boy of not deporting U.S. armed forces personal who are not also citizens.

Sadly more and more soldiers are moving away from the idea they are fighting for everyone’s right to voice their opinion and have their own politics. This is going hand in hand with a rise of soldiers who want hero worship.

So, it seems every review with negative notes from any website hosted by Gizmodo aka Gawker lite boils down to the fact the reviewer didn’t like that a guy wrote a book and got a movie made about things the author enjoyed while growing up and into at least his 40's.

Hockey fans all had the same whiny complaints about nets ruining their experience. Not a peep since that first year in 2003 I iirc the date. If you’re really paying attention to the game itself the net will disappear as you focus on things beyond it.

If he deserved to play he would be playing. I assume that Overwatch teams put their best players forward and keep the ones not worth starting on the bench, no matter who’s more popular.

Now explain the fielding positions. ;)

Nope. Bowlers are very good at getting the ball to bounce where they want it to, and of course it’s a rather smooth ball and they bounce it off of some rather smooth grass or dirt depending on conditions.

In the 60's the teams didn’t even stand on the field for the anthem. That only started in the 80's iirc.

Hearthstone is both a game of chance and skill. The skill is understanding and being able to build a better deck and the chance is drawing the right cards at the right time. Of course a game highly dependent on chance is going to have randomness and I see no issues with how it works.

Kids are dying for an adult agenda is what you meant to say, right? Not being used, but literally being killed because some adults with more money than sense think having weapons made for war on American streets and in the hands of people with a history of violence and illness is somehow a good thing.

Why was Lengyel even allowed to be part of the OWL?

Wasn’t Oui a French porn magazine? Or is it still?

Athletes in general have been missing sportsmanship as it’s understood to exist; hence why we see an act of it, it is replayed and fawned over for weeks.

Blizzard needs to come down hard on the man children who are going to ruin the potential for Overwatch to be a successful sport. If I’m going to point fingers it’s at Blizzard who should have had set standards, fines and penalties for this type of behavior before the league even launched.

Druids rock in 5e as well.

5E bards are possibly the best class in the game when it comes to combat and power level.