Isn’t Bradshaw an alleged sexual predator?
Isn’t Bradshaw an alleged sexual predator?
Again, Twitter has nothing to do with this story. This story is about people attacking a woman for her decision to not endanger her life. This is like you bringing up the model of a car in a drive by shooting.
Explain how her views were bigoted. Don’t just parrot what you’ve heard.
Twitter has nothing to do with this story. Red herrings are bad, mmkay.
What was bigoted about her views? It’s pretty common for women in porn to not work with men who do gay porn for safety. That’s not bigoted.
It was an execution. Those officers were not going to let him live no matter what he did.
Kelly Thomas. That’s what he looked like after officers were finished teaching him a lesson about being mentally ill.
Horrible choice and horrible idea. No one looks forward to Solo beating more people.
About 20 years before that when they decided southern racist democrats were their future but then also in the late 60's pushed out the Rockefeller republicans.
Portland A’s sounds good as does the Mexico City but I think Montreal Expos sounds even better.
I feel bad for Lonzo because the hate directed to him isn’t his fault really. This article for instance is critical of him, but unlike so many articles and comments isn’t “lol I hope he fails”. His father put him in a horrible situation by acting like P.T. Barnum reborn.
These women are not being given rides as it stands. They will not get rides unless the public sees them and demands they get rides. Until people realize that it’s clamor to see talent that will break down the barrier for women in racing we won’t see more than a token woman now and then because the average fan won’t…
You know you can address the root cause of women not having the chance to earn rides in the current various race series while still having a womans only series?
Which part of seeking remedy in court when it comes to a traditional investor did you miss? All of it apparently.
Chances are the money from the kickstarter was spent on blow and hookers and now the guy is figuring out how to stop the slowly rising wave of angry backers from finding him.
When as an investor you give people money you should expect to never see the results of that money. Now a traditional investor may then seek court help in regaining his or her funds, but I have no idea what or how kickstarters contracts between the creator and investor are structured.
Crash Patrick was a bust in NASCAR where she was on a team that could have fielded championship aspirations had there been a driver of even McMurrays caliber behind the wheel. Even in Indy she was mostly just an average driver, which is good but didn’t warrant the attention and praise she was getting.
Why is it ridiculous? These women are not getting rides as it stands, so how does giving them a spotlight to shine end up as a negative?
I assume Douglas will be given a total pass by the press, fans, and general public for her previous statement because reasons.
Ancalagon’s time unleashed upon Middle Earth wasn’t very long. Part of one war which he or she didn’t survive.