
You know what every state has in common? Possession of child porn is a federal offense and that would be anyone under the age of 18.

I wonder if it’s time for the FBI to seize all his stuff and see if he’s got some child porn?

Teen girls aren’t always able to consent and if he possess or possessed images or videos of them under 18 and naked or doing things of a sexual nature that also would make the FBI rather interested.

Perhaps it’s time for our Aussie, Japanese, Korean and other allies in the Pacific to start ramping up their navies and their duties instead?

Term used was correct. I don’t see how else you expect the author to write the persons position without spending half a paragraph on it.

Don’t like this. WoW has already become sort of an afterthought in Blizzard and to see devs are going to be pulled away to work on something that will not move the game forward is painful to see.


Play games, stream, go to tournaments, join teams, get sponsors, and you can make millions apparently.

Traditional athletes start as young as e-sport athletes, but are not in the majors so there is less coverage or more chance to claim they are just kids who didn’t know better. Same minefield, just traditional sports have had more time and have more ways to deflect.

With today’s communication all news is world news, not just because it’s what’s hot, though ratings will always be a factor.

Sure, but in the old days, like the 80's and before we kept quiet and told people to be careful around that person. These days are not so different from the olden days when people were not any better, we just hear about a lot more due to all news being world news.

I look forward to Blizzards response to this situation. Will they demand a zero tolerance policy for all teams across the board when it comes to teams employees behaviors?

Halladay is my all time favorite Blue Jay. I’m happy he won the World Series with the Phillies but to me always a Jay. My condolences to his family and friends, he’ll be missed by family, friends and fans alike.

Halladay is my all time favorite Blue Jay. I’m happy he won the World Series with the Phillies but to me always a Jay. My condolences to his family and friends, he’ll be missed by family, friends and fans alike.

So telling the truth is trying to roast Deion? Look, I sort of like Deion but facts were he didn’t tackle well because he didn’t like to tackle; was said about him during his playing days and after. Seems to me Deion needs to be a little less of an edge lord.

Okafor can score and many teams needs/wants a pure scorer to come off the bench. No one ever talked about Vinny Johnson’s defense or Kukoc’s either but they were long time NBA players in the end.

Private prisons are an awful idea and lead to nothing but pols trying to figure out more ways to send people to prison and for longer times.

I’m surprised Pryror hasn’t been suspended for Elliotts conduct.

Is Dougie Moron trying to get fired? Saban would have benched him for the first set of plays, Gruden would have handed the ball to him on the first play, and Belichick would have traded him to the Browns for a 3rd round pick and Fournette would have then had both knees explode while that 3rd round pick would go on to

What exactly did you contribute besides sounding jealous? Has Farrow ever given anyone any reason to attack him personally for circumstances that are not nor were ever in his control?