
Hate vs. the truth. Curt was being hateful towards people while Hill was being truthful about Donald.

ESPN is now claiming what she posts on her personal twitter account suggests she represents them? Bullpucky.

Ah, the poorly concealed “just hire more people!” argument.

Actually the ideas people, such as Kaplan spend time working on both issues and it means if he’s spending time with a team working on how to punish people he’s not working with a team about a new map or character or fix to whatever is today’s issue of most concern; and it won’t be just him but all the leads, community

Herschel was one of the greatest college players of all time, but he only had a pretty good pro career.

Bob’s right and is almost always right. He’s one of the few sports anchors/talking heads that I respect.

Ya, those 30 for 30's are liberal strongholds. As is having a tonne of former conservative coaches and white football players who get to say what they want when they want while Hill and Jones have to keep their mouths shut.

Didn’t Kurt spend Rhode Islands money on the game, not his own?

No one knows what money Kaep wants because he’s never told anyone. All these accounts are literal hearsay.

Grit/toughness is a thing. It’s the willingness of a player to take a professional foul, to lean in on someone and to get into a players face who’s getting into yours. You don’t have to play like Roy Keane but you could have his toughness and it will help.

Just because Lalas was talking about intangibles like leadership, toughness and grit doesn’t mean he believes the other things like talent and strategy and tactics are unimportant, hence his take on Bruce as well.

I find it odd NFL punters are scared to use the banana kick if AFL playes are using it all the time. I watch AFL, sure they have the occasional bad kick, but that happens to punters too and AFL players kick the ball a lot more often than punters in the NFL.

Bonds was never found to have broken any rules.

God, I’m sure it hurt for any Deadspin staff to type anything good about a Cowboy player.

Lets be realistic here. Social services will either place the kids with a relative or in foster care during the mothers incarceration if she is indeed placed in prison; we both know this and you knew this before you typed out your response.

At the time of the writing of the article this picture was used with 78 out of 93 large cities in the U.S. have teen curfews.