It’s fine. LEO’s and active military members not being welcome could be because the owner has seen a history of intimidation by those groups towards others in this gym or it could be because he allows activist on his property and wants them to feel safe from scrutiny.
Generally the man is held to the higher standard by the public and the vengeance system when it comes to both parties being drunk and engaging in sex.
Still better than what the Sixers have done.
Like Aaron Rodgers and Brett Farve and Eli Manning and Drew Brees and so so many other current and former QB’s?
My friends and I would all pitch in money wise, then the bad at math friend would pay with his credit card and take the cash, leaving a tip in cash.
::snickers:: As if anyone cares about Nor Cal outside of Frisco, its water and wine.
Must have been hard on you the last time? Was it the rounding up of the homeless or keeping them in internment camps in the desert that got to you?
There is a brand new football stadium in L.A. being built as well as another soccer only stadium for the next L.A. MSL team. No need for baseball or basketball facilities since both pro and college teams have great venues already in L.A. and same with baseball stadiums. There is also the velodrome as well as world…
“Killing of bodies” is far more appropriate as the leagues isn’t exclusively black nor even close to it.
Probably because for many years in many leagues it was predominately white men who were being drafted and held onto with no choice on where they could go even after a contract ended.
NFL like most major leagues splits the profit from the jersey with the athlete. I can’t say what the % is though.
The more and more Sabermetrics value players like Gallo the more common immaculate innings will become.
A lame franchise trying to use a lame argument when all the country would need to do is point out that the A’s have not been told they need to leave Oakland and they play in a literally waste hazard.
Some PR guy is not your foot soldier on the police force. They not the PR guy are the ones who will abuse their fellow citizens because they were told it’s okay by a sick man.
Today anti Irish feelings are not expressed generally with names or suggestions that those of Irish decent are not human; instead it’s said if you’re proud of your Irish heritage you’re racist and a backwards city boy if you come from one of the big cities out of New England.
Subway makes your food right in front of you and most don’t have a bathroom. Seems fine to eat there for the most part.
Arizona will beat the twice, Giants will beat them and then a couple upsets like Jax, Indy and Tenn will happen. I’m a Dallas fan, I’m fully expecting 20+ suspensions and injuries to starters this season to ruin the season.
I’m not sure the two examples are comparable, but I’m glad your wife fought hard and won.
Pat Tillman 2.0