
But they didn’t. The people in their districts got exactly what they wanted, an end to subsidized insurance available to everyone.

Attacking a woman for how she looks. How very Trumpler of you.

Waiting to hear Trump declare Slager the real victim in this case.

Waiting on a murder charge and multiple attempted murder charges for firing randomly into a car full of young men.

How many elementary and secondary school teachers would that pay?

American sports should handle racism like FIFA does.

Jordan was murdered. The actions of the LEO who shot into the car were no different than the actions of anyone committing a car jacking that results in gunshots into the car, and the LEO’s actions are worse as they are being committed while wearing the flag of authority given to him or her by the public trusting that

Except it seems most contractors walk away when they intially finish and won’t repair issues unless paid millons more, even of the issues were clearly thier fault.

No, not really.

Anyone qualified for the position of GM or scout of a CFL caliber football team like the Bills has probably already begun thier own draft mock ups for just about if not all NFL teams. I don’t feel a team hired the a day or week after the NFL season is over would be too far behind.

If you feel thier work is so bad you need to fire them why would you let them run something as important as the draft? It makes no sense as much as your defense of the owners actions make no sense.

I know Whitney didn’t bring a new style of pop to the forefront of American music the way Kurt did with grunge rock, and I know she didn’t write her own songs like Kurt, but I do believe not only influenced a generation of fan but also in Kirts case future writers and bands, while in Whitney’s case futurr singers.

Amy Winehouse, Mindy McCready perhaps and just outside of 20 years ago Kurt Cobain.

Why shouldn’t it be a law? After all many people who suffer sever head and other trauma from bike accidents don’t have health insurance? They roll the dice knowing the rest of us will pay the price along with them if they lose, and I for one at least think requiring these gamblers to wear a helmet isn’t much to ask of

Tigers and asshole who deserves the scorn and laughter.

Even the Browns point and laugh at the Clippers.

They don’t wear old timey suits anymore.

Fox shows AFL.

That’s exactly what all sports talk radio is like in Los Angeles. A series of commercials and sponsor shilling interrupted by the occasional 5 minutes of sports talk.