The fact this would be a penalty in today’s NFL is a shame.
The fact this would be a penalty in today’s NFL is a shame.
The Lambo Leap which should be by rule illegal but has been grandfathered in for some strange reason as being legal.
In Australia a metal bat is probably not something you can find ay most sporting goods stores.
I am sympathetic to people who are in the U.S. without proper documentation, and are working and helping make their community better.
As great as Ronaldo has been, as great as Messi has been, I still think that I would take Henry at his peak over them at theirs.
The GOP will be happy to spend money on those beds and those agents by happily cutting more social services for poor people and aid to those in danger and need in foreign countries.
Didn’t most law enforcement agencies during the 70's and 80's and maybe earlier stop enforcing immigration laws because it actually caused crime to become worse due to fear of reporting crime and volunteering to be a witness? I feel like we’ve over this and agencies have already said no.
Oh, nothing should be ruled out at this point, but until we run into proof positive or Occam’s razor about suicide the agency involved shouldn’t close the case.
Jumping from bridges is pretty common for those who are attempting to commit suicide.
Problem is that those same kids who are shocked, if they go into politics they realize that gerrymandering can be used to help them personally as well. If you’re a Black young politician running for a city council would you rather run for a district where it’s a fairly even mix of say Asians, Blacks and Whites or one…
Just because Hispanic leaders wanted it, doesn’t mean it’s right and worse when minority leaders ask for gerrymandering it makes acceptable for others to use it as they see fit as well.
Sorry but the idea of international ID’s will only lead to internal checkpoints all across the nation.
It’s not, but it’s affected by a system set up to prop up slave states and rural Americans who tend to be more religious and conservative.
Even with the overly large response it seemed that most of the LEO’s involved were on the verge of making the right choices as far not shooting anyone and identifying there was no weapon.
All that it takes is one scared person, like a butterfly flapping its wings at the right time.
I still don’t understand how shots were fired in this situation and even worse how the unarmed man laying in the street was the person who ended up being shot?
At least a robotic cop won’t prioritize getting home safely at night over the lives of the people it’s sworn to protect and serve, unless the company that owns said robots finds it’s too expensive to have their robots shoot only if they are actually in danger.
Second city man, second. The NFL wants winners, only number one cities will work for them.