
The NFL’s reaction is Over the Top!

Probably an employee of whatever Blackwater is going by these days.

Sadly our military won’t protect us from enemies both foreign and domestic.

Barack was a dem and black, so therefore most of the military, white enlisted and officers for sure, saw him as weak and of course a black man incapable of being an actual leader.

Pretty sure a Pop led Spurs team sans Leonard still contend for a NBA title.

I’ve heard the writing is really bad, as in not readable bad and these are from sources I actually trust.

Does Lombardi have anything good to say about any black qb’s?

Maybe even more impressive as only one man before has ever averaged a triple double, while batting .400 was something quite a few men have done.

Gen X is pretty small though in terms of population iirc so shouldn’t haves the same effect as our traitorous baby boomer generation.

At another point in our history millionaires and billionaires were trying to change the country to suit themselves and position themselves as unassailable in their various mansions and towers.

Sure but Houston is still in Texas, and Texas is full on kill anyone and anything that isn’t a christian conservative.

Did you cover your eyes last year while your friends covered their mouths and ears? Brock is far worse than either player named.

Both Jay and Colin can get the Texans further than Brock ever could.

Why does the bill need to define due process when we already know what that term means. Due process under the law and assuming innocent until proven guilty and not punishing someone who’s been found not guilty.

Looking at Sanchez’s career and Carroll’s, perhaps Carroll had some insight you and I don’t?

Yup, Kizer needs Kelly to help him grow and learn. Like how to kill a kid and not blink an eye or how to ignore his team mates raping girls on campus.

Ken Starr had that part of his brain excised out at the tender age of 3 apparently.

Sure, but in this case it’s who he passed it to. Reigns is not worthy.

David slaying Goliath in wrestling has always been a go to. Styles over Lesner in wrestling would just be following a long tradition.

Jericho also knows he wants to be walking and living past 50. I don’t think Fozzy is just about the music but also about taking breaks that give Jericho time to heal and have a future hopefully.