
Oh come on...

Can’t bring myself to root for the Foxes to go any further since they fired Ranieri. He felt like the heart and soul of the team, not the players.

I don’t have a dog in the NCAA basketball fight. I tend to enjoy games and root for different teams depending on my mood, but I can’t bring myself to root for the Jayhawks this season.

Atlanta Falcons.

Killing of one innocent person by the Justice system we have and your acceptance of that means you know and understand we don’t give justice, only vengeance when it comes to the death penalty.

Life in prison works to remove people from society as well and it also gives the added bonus of being able to release someone if they are later found innocent, instead of their families having to sue the state for murder.

You mean 8 going on 9 seasons now that the Sixers have been hot garbage? Meanwhile not a single one of their draft picks has turned out to be a star let alone a bedrock type player.

Refs will start calling more fouls on the Lakers if need be.

Look at the all the European football leagues and you will see what you get.

Except the Lakers until this last year or two have never tanked to reload.

It’s amazing how most people who are part of the GOP have no clue about the Southern Strategy of the 60's by the GOP nor the way the Goldwater Republicans pushed out the Rockefeller Republicans.

Malik Sealy is still a very popular former Timberwolves player.

The problem with being a franchise QB named Kirk Cousins is that the only teams that will bid for you will be teams who will want to lose for years with you at the helm. Is being a Brown for 5 years really worth a few extra million dollars?

Stop. You’re ruining the Patriot haters narrative.

The Browns because that would ruin their “process”.

Because the Pats take undervalued players, regardless of skin color?

Shhh. Stop it. You’re ruining a narrative that makes Patriot haters happy, which is the only happiness they will have for a while as the Pats have to be the favorites to win the next few Super Bowls.

No. It’s state sponsored murder.

Perhaps we just don’t execute people, and that way we won’t purposefully murder a innocent man or woman, though more likely a man, a black man.