
I deal with angry and unreasonable people all the time on the Internet and I do it for free!

Hmm. If only Google had Internet ready copyright bots lying around somewhere. Imagine if those copyright bots could be used for good.

Bought these for £109.99 and they're great. Good directional sound and comfortable to boot even with glasses. Solid build quality and they work with every console I own most importantly the 360 and the PS4.

Apples and oranges my friend. I am currently building a monster PC but the ps4 will still give me some great experiences like tomb raider. Yes the PC comes in 3rd by default of not having a definitive version. We could say for any game if it was on PC it would be the definitive version but that is dependant on what

Currently paying 40 quid a month for 120mbps with Virgin. Never noticed any throttling or capping and I use my internet a lot.

I'm particularly fond of the 2008 GotG run, but it got vs cancelled before I could get resolution. After the amazing Annihilation series I thought GotG had much more to give it just lacked a killer plot.

God bless you Tim Rogers, I miss you every month of Games tm. I gotta ask though, why don't you have much time to game an more?

I'm sad I dont see any racers, Need for Speed is quite brilliant :(

Yup, mass appeal is such a horrible thing I wonder what happened to serving a niche market.

I didn't even buy RE6. Not because I got older, but because resident evil changed beyond recognition. It's not the same game anymore. Pandering to one demographic can put off another.

Its not as complex as dmc4 but I really enjoyed it. I'd love to see ninja theory have another crack at this franchise. They still have a bit to learn about Dante but for a first try it's a great effort

Shut the front door, Kotaku gave a no. I don't see enough of these no's. Just my humble opinion.

I'm sure you are correct that Microsoft has given a lot of people what they want but it's not what I want. I was an Xbox gamer since 2001 but they seem to think they know what I want. They couldn't be further away. This is just my personal opinion though I probably should have added that.

Sometimes giving people what they want is better than giving people what You (Microsoft) think they want.

No one is acting that way. I purchased bf3 on launch day and found it to be in mostly working order. The only problems I had were trying to get me and my squad in the same game on the same team. This time I was lucky to get one game in without an error. Bf4 was in an embarrassing state on launch.

I can't recommend this post enough to be honest. The industry as a whole needs to recognise those people more although we'll never get that from the GT awards. We need our own version of the Oscars.

Melee and explosives only, let's go!

I don't understand why all games can't be on PC. It's a good neutral platform. No point them trying to tempt PC gamers with exclusives.

I think they're making them as a stipulation to the rights deal. If they stop using the licence the rights revert to Marvel as it's a very valuable IP.

If your frustration levels aren't good I wouldn't play it. But if you have patience and can take the odd sucker punch here and there, it's a glorious game well worthy of your attention. It's not hard, but it requires a huge amount of concentration.