
The Nissan owners were too busy napping in those boring ass old cars to notice any problems.

Similarly you’d really think Nissan would be #1. All problems should be resolved after a model has been on the market for 20 years.

To be fair to dodge how many problems can their 2 cars have after 13+ years in production?  I figure those should be worked out by now

Because the data sets are not built through any sort of scientific attempt at applying scores. Every journalist has a completely different viewpoint of what constitutes a 10 and what constitutes a 6.

After having had several long conversations with the latter group in recent weeks it’s clear they’re just somewhat smarter and more manipulative than the former. They want to claim to argue from a base of respectability but still portray transwomen as rapists and transmen as victims of misogyny.

Color me shocked that Gorsuch authored the majority opinion, but... fuck it, I’ll take it!

“and typically earn less than 1/3 of 1% of the CEO’s earnings”

Ah, yes, because if there’s one thing we’ve all learned over the last few weeks, it’s that the cops can be trusted to do the right thing.

Now it’s a Porsche Taycan’t.

I wonder if the turbo failed.

The big problem here is you don’t own the games you paid for. You should but you don’t.  You paid for a limited right to use a license for a game.  It’s not right, but it’s legal.  

I am more angry at retailers that continue to let this happen. They could easily add per account, per address, or per credit card limits (Amazon does it on “Prime Day” items. So they absolutely have the software). But they do not. Because they still profit off of these arses.

why isn’t this illegal? oculus quest has the same problem with the bot resellers

Is it just me or do the last 3 photos all look like existing vehicles? I cannot see any differences between the current models and these photos.

I want to warp to November so I can vote this incompetent asshole out of office.

But tuning it for the specific intent of making it pollute more is just egregious.  

Matt Gaetz has an asshole for a mouth.

he has a very punchable face.

You can’t say Trump is in the best health when literally every medical report we’ve ever gotten from him is clearly someone else signing their name to Trump’s writing.

Matt Gaetz looks like if Ted Kennedy had sex with Ursula from Little Mermaid.