
Absolutely not, Dr Pepper must be ice cold.

At what point do we stop elevating this absurd speech on sites such as gizmodo?  Your giving these people a platform to spread their misinformation by giving them headlines.  Also parler isnt a free speech platform, as they have banned numerous people just for discussing issues that ring wingers hate.  Its a

Except that internet infrastructure is a business that’s all about making money. Everyone will always have fractured & different speeds, because the isp’s control territorial monopolies. It doesn’t really matter if the US says its essential, because we need everyone to have such high speeds to make cloud gaming worth

Sony really went above and beyond not only with their unique console design but also with new hardware tech. There is nothing new or interesting about xbox that my last gen xbox cant do (if you dont care about load times). The only place where xbox has ps5 beat is on video streaming apps. I cant deprecate my xbox1x

Would be nice if amazon also supplied medical materials such as syringes & injectable valorates, but im assuming this is just another pills only club.

Cant wait to pick mine up next week! The ps5 is a beautiful console by comparison to the boring grey box. Looking forward to playing/streaming some demon souls 😁

I love how you completely omit the obvious answer: drive in reverse...

Heh your dad sounds like my dad! Except he always bought his computers from the fair camp grounds in LaVerne California whenever they had computer shows.

Not without Googling it. And I absolutely refuse to do so.”

Good riddance to bad rubbish, YouTube should ban him too. 

I hope your listening Toyota:

Can we just find a better way to share the message than through a meme? Your making alot of big assumptions about the people who consume meme content in an attempt to defend your passion of making/sharing memes. At what point do you actually evaluate the results of your work, or do you honestly believe your having the

All of the Joel drama aside, the ending seems like pretty poor character development & based more in wishful thinking of character actions. If mike tyson bites your ear off, i know your not going to just walk it off & turn the other cheek.  Its a nice play for humanity in a last moment of desperation, but it just

Ive worked for 4 different studios in the past 10 years, none of which had sexual harassment problems. Of the 4, 1 no longer exists and had the worst hours of crunch. The second involved massive crunch to ship the game, but afterwards there was change in the studio to not ship games that way anymore. The 3rd and 4th

You cant change the game by not playing, you cant effect real change in private companies without being apart of said company. You cant assume that all private video game studios are the same, because you have had a bad experience at one of them.  Not every game studio is Riot.

Tow hook license plate holders, they should be the highlight of this article...yet go unmentioned minus the prowler...

Rich Rebuilds should do a salvage rebuild of a fiero & make it electric when this flood dies down!

Unfortunately safety is an illusion, all it takes is 1 moron who cares more about themselves than you.  Though for your childs safety & because of corona virus, maybe this was "god" telling you to stay the fuck home.

Thank you for your diligent reporting on the inner workings of the game industries biggest studios & holding them to account where developers are unable to. Your actions will not be forgotten, and i wish you the best with your new journey!

“Parents dont know know what loot boxes are, and we dont want to educate them, so here is another meaningless label”