
Well in that case....

Because the State of New York decided to issue their documents as they see fit.

It’s almost as if the mentality of greater profits over better products and services is inherently self-destructive...but, nah. Screw that noise. Let’s make more money!

How the hell can Blizzard go down the tubes so quic....

And that’s why I jumped on the 30AE, love the bright orange.

As long as it is cheaper than a Boxster, they have the market cornered.

“upon review, Sonmez’s Kobe Bryant tweets were not in violation of their social media policy after all.”


A rwd, manual, coupe with Mazda handling? Sounds good regardless of the engine. 

Specifically Michiganders, who are not much more than petulant children with fully-grown adult bodies.

So lets get this straight here.

You just spoke my exact desires for a car. I’m 28 years old and at this point, things with screens bore me. Real tactile controls. Buttons, knobs, levers, they are all wonderful at connecting you with your car.

I’m a millennial and seriously, DAMN YOU CLOUDS! I want physical controls and mechanical gauges in my cars. A screen is fine for navigation and a backup camera, but other than that give me knobs and gauges everywhere.

The new model weighs 40 lbs less than the outgoing model. So around 1700 lbs.

They dropped 40 pounds on the new model, so it has more power and is lighter than the outgoing generation

The outgoing car was 1743. Even if this gained 10% it’s still going to be a quick thing. They claim under 5 seconds to 60 in the R.

Nobody asks that question (i.e., can one win?) of white men because we (full disclosure) are the only ones who ever do. And we do because we’re usually the only option, and when we’re not the only option, we’re almost always an option. Combine that with the fact that white women like to vote for white men, which is

I wouldn’t downplay the utter clusterfuck that was the wii/wii u branding fiasco though...

Microsoft: “Okay, we need to switch up the brand name! Gotta keep the XBox thing, but we need something simple and obvious that everyone will understand, like calling the third XBox the XBox One, or following the XBox One X with the Xbox Series X!”

By the time I read everything, only about half of the car pictures had loaded, but 13(!) individual ads loaded for a pretty fancy woodchipper. So I am left thinking that a woodchipper was the most important thing of the last 15 years.