
Bernie Bros + Green will kick your corporate party ass in 2018, 2020, 2022 and fucking beyond. You people are DONE. Fake progressives, fake liberals. Fake Fake Fake. A Sanders/Green bloc will be small but large enough to fuck both parties in the ass each and everytime they reach for corporate donations and respond by

Please explain how they prevented her from campaigning in key states she arrogantly ignored? Please explain how her silence on Comey was imposed by the Russians? Please explain how the Russians forced her to say “we’re going to put coal miners out of work”...likely one of the worst fuck up’s in the history of

You think he was an opportunist? He was a POLITICIAN doing his fucking job rather than cozying up to Democrat Wall Street thugs who are just as greedy as fucking GOP wolves. You people are so full of shit. As knick says below,. yeah, the guy leading the charge on medicare for all is a fucking opportunist....a fucking

Please join us in the Green Party - it is the only party that is not corporatized. There is a reason Stein tried to give her spot to Sanders- its the same god damned platform as what he is talking about. The new Green Deal is what this country needs. And since you agree the two party system is essentially suffocating

Thank you for this. On a side note, Wasn’t your past handle “josecansecosleftball?”

The harm is the sense that it was everyone’s fault so much that her ownership of losing the election was a minority stake. To me, her parade of victimhood only confirms why I did not vote for her. And it is just opening up a chasm between Clintonite Dems and Sanders/Green Dems. Best watch your dem backs with those

My friend, one is not robbed of an election if one does not strategize for electoral votes. She did not campaign where she needed to. She pussied out on Comey, pretty much at her own admission. It is unreasonable to ask anyone to be any stronger than she has been, but at the end of the day, she needed to be, and she

You are a shitfuck stain of a human being. Gonna pen a blog on the 5 types of Aunt fucking Jemima?

Patricia Heaton is an Ann Coulter empathizing conservative. The question being asked as I see it, is would you support female content makers if they were developing conservative narratives that challenge progressive notions of womanhood? Would you support ALL female content makers regardless of POV?... not just the

Please stop applying your personal experience (as a boy) or your assumptions of what a boy is taught or believes, to other Men. I was not taught these things. I was taught that only cowards fear women, femininity or things that are associated with womanhood...and I am not the only one. So stop with your fucking

Thank you for this. I love how everyone has a statement about who is taught what and by whom... I love conjecture masquerading as declaratives, don’t you?

Maybe they’ll have a Lord of the Flies episode.

So, you don’t want the president of the united states to redeem himself and do good for people who are suffering? Hmmm, you seem to be the asshole who needs to hit reset. Root for your people douchebag. Sometimes, we have to rally around the OFFICE of the president of the United States in support of our fellow

I am going to raise my Son as a Man, and if he wants to express himself differently I will let him. While our society is opening up to gender variation, it is still very much a CIS world and I will prepare him for it as such until, (when and if) he desires something different. I would appreciate the labels. I think it

Parody now crosses into political intimidation with the intent of altering an individuals god given right to be apolitical without accusation of enabling bigotry. We don’t know her private affairs. Do not assume an individuals private nature, whether TS or not, to be enabling of society’s ills. There are many forms of

I hope you are the first white person to pay reparations. Go ahead. Give up your wealth and continue preaching about “good for her”...did you commit violence against her simply by living? Ask yourself that WHITE LADY...always the pother white people and never you, right?And if you are okay with being one of these

She’s talking about you and your dumb liberal ass.

She changed her name the way she changed her face. Its takes two to tango this fucked up white washing dance my dear. That mug is the work of a Beverly Hills surgeon, and I know her name. Excellent dermafiller work, but clearly she pulled a Zellewegger at the doctors office.

Sister would have a better platform to speak from if she had not willingly anglo-ized her face with dermafillers and surgery. Hush up little white wang girl. I’d rather hear from Steve Yuen on this one.

He must be in so much pain from having talked so much crap about Women, interrupting them in public, calling them bitches freely...what a pooor poor victim. lets all be sad for him because....he’s black? Nevermind he is a chauvinist dickfuck himself. Nope, no worries about that. Let ANY man disrespect women freely,