
Ohhhhhhh That explains all those Taylor Swift tee shirts we never saw in Charlottesville you fucking idiot asshole. What the fuck are you basing that stupid shit statement on? I dislike both “artists”, but man, enough of you fucking snowflakes giving liberals a bad name. If a white woman does not shriek your political

If you build it, they will come. If you do not build it, they will stay the fuck off your lawn.

He’s the phrama-bro of christian preachers with that smug fucking sneer of his. I hope the lord wipes if off his face via prison gang rape when he’s found guilty of fraud.

May his sheeple finally see what a truly ugly human being this miscreant is. That fugly face says everything about his character, or there lack of. It is seeping through like the flood waters themselves. Nothing will stop those waters and nothing will stop his true self from leaking out. No Man of God lives a life of

And do you think maybe perhaps that inequity caused an emotional and psychological resentment of this blond haired girl who got tortured by four black women? Perhaps that resentment is bubbling up to the surface in the form of physical torture...just saying.

Lovely to see Jezebel continuing the Gawker tradition of deleting any comment not aligned to the editorial point of view. I guess you develop such a culture when your masthead gets shut down because they outted gay men against their will...not just Thiel.

I in fact would love for investigators to gain access to the women’s cell phones. I think we might very well find jokes between referencing “Becky”. I guarantee there are. But we won’t be allowed to talk about it without faux-lefty apologists dismissing any critical voice that is contrary to their social agenda as

Your friend.....was as she a white girl who got held down by black girls and tortured by chance? Would we be having a “sports culture” conversation if it had been four white girls holding down a Latina or Black student and torturing them? No, we would not be calling it a “sports culture issue”

This is a racial incident. No. White people do not suffer like everyone else, but do not tell me these four black girls were not channeling their resentment of Becky’s privilege by physically torturing her under the guise of sports. This was likely a dream come true for these ladies of color, to be able to deliver

This has nothing to do with sports culture and everything to do with four black girls torturing that little fucking blonde haired blue eyed Becky. Amazing how we are not allowed to call out anti-white bias in media because we have white nationalists instigating foul bullshit, but guess what kids, two wrongs will never