
Surely unnecessary—you are correct. But let's get real about the population of this site. I posted here two months ago that Batman v Superman was not a good film and to this day i receive hate mail. Welcome to the internet. Still +1 for the Ryan Phillipe comment, made me laugh

If you don't realize most late night talk shows are scripted, I really can't help you. You're too far gone.. For instance, on Colbert's Late Night show the other night, Ryan Gosling and Russel Crowe got in an "argument" prompting Gosling to walk off stage and refuse to return to the show. Crowe got him to sit back

I don't buy it. If Jay shot it down why would they go ahead and make the pies? Think about it. Not logical is it? Just like the Andy Kaufman/ Jerry Lawler spat on Letterman there's more to this than you're being told

This had to have been scripted. Why else would they have the fucking pies ready

At least they walked away with dat sweet Aleve

Struggle harder. You're just mad because I'm right. There, there.

Agreed. The cast is really good and they do their best with the material. Looking forward to seeing them in the hands of a more capable and bold director. If Disney gives Rian some lead on his leash, anyway.

You don't read so well. It was my opinion based off of the trailers and leaked info. Then I was attacked for my opinion. So I used the above quotes to back up my opinion. And as of last night I've now seen the film, and my opinion has now become fact. So now this is doubly awkward for you, love ;)

Thousands have seen it, including hundreds of critics—and they confirm my diagnosis. For your enjoyment here are quotes just from the rottentomatoes top critics. So yeah. This is awkward for you..

"Shuffling through a greatest-hits collection of familiar scenarios" means not-original, by definition. Thanks for playing, darling. And again for supplying your own damning quote. Hilarious.

That JJ introduces "new ideas" remains to be seen. But I am not holding my breath. My hope is that Rian Johnson (Disney's only interesting choice of director for these films) is able to take the story in a clever or compelling direction.

Quite possibly. But boy did Lost get real bad real fast

k bye!

Thanks for proving my point by providing the above quotation from the review. Did my job for me, love ;)

Thanks, I'm glad you think so!

I agree it has a low bar. I agree it will be better than the prequels (as I mentioned in my original comment). But my point is that we should want more than just "better than the prequels." That we didn't demand more led to JJ getting the gig, doing what he does best: fan service with no original ideas. In the end

I can live with wanker given that I'm also right ;)


Considering that's what this very review you're commenting on is saying, your reading comprehension scores are rather low. That or you are the one who's trying too hard to like this film.

In this case, evidently correct