
Super 8, Star Trek, Star Trek: Into Darkness, now The Force Awakens. All derivative remakes and rehashes. All fan service. This is the very definition of hack work.

I agree that it needs to have a connection to the past, even involve the older characters. But there is a difference between that and essentially remaking "Star Wars" beat-for-beat. Which is what nearly every review confirms JJ has done here.

You are the problem.

That's interesting considering this and every other review confirms what I've been saying ;)

It was obvious from the first full trailer that SW:TFA is all blind fan service at the expense of a new, original or even interesting story. I called it then, been getting flamed hard for weeks. Good to be vindicated by the flood of reviews just like this one. JJ Abrams is a hack. Enjoy your "meh, it's better than the

Agreed there are many logical fallacies throughout. But I refuse to believe the author doesn't know that the concerns about the writing of the prequels goes beyond a desire for "zingers."

Not sure how to reply since it's entirely unrelated to anything I wrote above. But yeah.. cool story bro

The author of this piece is being disingenuous. Throughout, he takes legitimate complaints about the prequels, reduces them to pithy or snarky one-liners, then proceeds to dismiss them as minor.

My way of saying that is that he's a try-hard. American Hustle was such a mess made palatable by some fine performances. The actors did the best they could with the material.

Heightful Ate ?

She doesn't have "onscreen work." She's the editor..

Just give it Best Picture already, jeez. It isn't even close

Fuuuuuuuuuuu—.. that's good.

I like to believe that he partnered up with none other than mogul cum author cum future wine-maker Tom Haverford

Yeah you're right. I mean it isn't like rich people in today's world have all sorts of money and resources but don't choose to give it away to help the poor. As we all know poverty and starvation and all of the world's class problems have been utterly abolished by the generosity and altruism of the wealthy. Oh, wait..

I don't assume you're stupid. Ignorant, yes. Anyone who suggests Interstellar is a film that took risks is simply ignorant of film history

Yeah I came off too harsh—I get fired up about movies

Fair enough. I agree it has good atmosphere. Sadly I think the gimmick of the thing overshadows Guy Pearce's fine performance

I hate to shatter your illusion or your childhood or whatever, but Memento is as big a mess as any of his later work. It suffers from one of the biggest plot holes in the history of modern cinema—one that breaks the entire movie. Watch it again and try to be objective.

I have had several arguments with people who truly believe The Matrix is deep. Most took place in an actual Philosophy of Film class I took that spent several weeks on The Matrix. Weeks, that is correct. The biggest waste of time and money in all my years of schooling—and that's saying something.