
They're Jezebel bloggers now.

Usually I scoff at the notion of overzealous “PC culture” (blech, I don’t even like typing it) running out of control....

I think you really have to want it to be offended by this one.

Not pictured: the Gap Kids ad from just a few years ago wherein a black model was using a white model as an armrest in almost the exact same pose.

Comes with its own detachable leaf blower under the hood. NP

That’s pretty awesome that he believes in a god who’s both wrathful and gullible.

Even that seems risky because the judge might see that your hand is not actually touching the good book and then your defense is shattered.

I’ve never put my hand on ANY women … In my whole entire life, No Sir.

Uh oh. I accidentally saw an email last night that my cat sent to this photgrapher setting up a special photography session with his wonderful owner NEXT WEEK.

Yes, because totally awesome instrument cluster:

Must suck to have an ugly sister and have to resort to cousins.

Why would NASCAR kick him out? I mean, running tobacco seems like a nice spiritual successor to running moonshine. Wouldn’t that make him a NASCAR traditionalist?

Is this a real opinion or is the joke that you know the reputations of d-league refs?

Desperately needing clicks applies to every website ever made.

OK, weirdly I had a dream last night where I hung out with Dennis Miller (SNL time frame, not crazy later Dennis Miller) and made an analogy he didn’t understand, then made fun of him for it. I had forgotten about that dream until I read your comment.

Well, don’t be shy. Let’s hear some suggestions.

Man, you’ve always got more analogies than Dennis Miller hosting Monday Night Football.