‘Becky Breeder”
‘Becky Breeder”
This concert was amazing. So queer and fun and femme.
God I love him so much
I just fundamentally don’t think Drag Race is the avenue for Kings or Bioqueens. What I want is more shows to feature different kinds of drag.
I’m not interested in re litigating those comments. There were many thoughful think pieces about the statement and his apology.
I’m not gonna touch RuPaul’s comments around transgender contestants cause that is some nonsense and BS from him.
It’s honestly kind of gross how many people are shitting on Sacramento and the fact that Greta Gerwig might try and explore people who don’t live in NYC or LA.
As a person who often needs “situational empathy” it’s usually because I already know the solutions to my problems and the issues I’m having with other people so I need someone to work through my feelings about it.
A moment for this flawless gem
Since she started showing at Couture week I have been underwhelmed consistently by her work.
Well, those certainly are some...thoughts and words strung together.
It’s a...
“When they created the disease?”
Oh honey
And if you’re that worried about HIV get on PrEP! Wear a condom! Get tested! Ask any sexual partner if they’ve been tested!
Something about bisexual men brings out the HIV-phobia in people. They act like all of us men who have sex with men are STD factories.
Any articles about Drag Queens brings out the TERFs crawling out of the woodwork.
Nope, trans women can and have been drag queens since forever.