
I’m well aware of what it was intended to be about. What I’m saying is that because of who the creators are, and how they decided to shape historical events, everything the film was meant to do is now tainted by association.

In a way, it is about sexual violence - Parker and his buddy’s obsession with it. They are rapists, and even conned a rape survivor to shill their movie for them. Wow.

Now playing

My theory about it (formulated after watching Prometheus and my disappointment allowed me to reach for my keyboard) is the following:

I looked up the show (ok, fine, on Wikipedia. It’s useful, ok? I’m not gonna put it on a title card - I’d use a fancy quote from Sartre or something, if he gave a shit about birthdays . . . wait, where was I going with this?) and as soon as I saw the summary of Kate’s character:

They’d better have changed it!

I just read it too. My face is now frozen like this: D:

Also, given a choice which love scene to show us, we were given Dr. Brosephus and Dr. Belief trumps Science instead of Idris Elba and Charlize Theron.

Maybe Jonah Hill is a humorless asshole who gets away with using homophobic slurs because he goes on tv and cries about how much he loves the gays, some of his best friends are gay, repeat to fade.

I know that maybe she was the original drama queen, lol. But when I come to that bit when she reads ‘his last letter’, I break down into ugly crying.

The worst thing was when they made Robert Dudley part of the conspiracy against her, when he was the fricking love of her life. When he died (and he was still one of her closest advisors), and this is a true historical fact, she locked herself in her rooms with his last letter, and they had to take the door off its

THANK YOU. Thank you so much for telling me that someone, somewhere, finally pinpointed and said out loud the thing that bothered me most about that scene.

One time I left the house without any make-up on, and when I realized, looked at myself in a hand mirror (why the fuck did I have that in my purse and no fucking eye-pencil I’ll never know) and I looked like DEATH.

Like. I. Said. Above. I. Keep. Reading. These. In. Robot. Voice.

I. Keep. Reading. These. In. Robot. Voice. :)

This review is what made me suspicious enough about the movie to go to Movie Spoiler and find out what happens - I wish my suspicions hadn’t been right.

I’m so glad there’s at least one reviewer trying to get it out there.

I don’t know if you’re a Game of Thrones fan or if so, if you’re up to date on Season 6, but in one of the episodes

Wasn’t that almost exactly what Bill O’Reilly said when Shawn Hornbeck was found alive, back in 2007? Poor kid had been raped on a daily basis ever since being abducted at the age of 11 (in 2002), but according to Bill O’Reilly he ‘had fun’ because he didn’t have to go to school (i.e. his abductor ‘home schooled’ him).

The only good thing about Avengers in 3D was one shot where he’s standing in profile with his arms crossed and his bicep and thigh just come out of the screen at you. Oh my lord.

Yeah, not to be ungrateful or anything, but yesterday I looked at my notifs and whined: “Paleo? Sploid? Toysomething? Who they?”