
That’s exactly what I thought - he came on to her hard, and she shut that shit down. And now he’s acting like that guy from the Harry Potter podcast - he can’t let it go.

Ha! I have no idea. He kept repeating the $100 bit like it gave him some justification. I do remember commenters saying that he’d been totally ripped off. I don’t think he was . . . very smart.

This reminded me of the funniest post ever to the Ask A Manager blog (Alison Green answers questions about problems at work).

I have never watched Something’s Gotta Give, and I never will. The thought that a woman of any age will kick Keanu Reeves out of bed in favour of Jack Nicholson is bullshit, to me. In my opinion, of course.

Exactly. This really isn’t worth anyone’s time.

Apparently, being linked on Jezebel, doesn’t preclude a horribly misogynistic premise.

Heh, no rules for Jason Momoa, amirite? We are of one mind, girl.

Ok. Here it goes. I’m in the grey on LH, so I don’t know if you’ll even see this, but here it is.

Now playing

Whenever I see an image taken from that movie, I find myself linking to Mark Kermode’s wonderful rant. It’s like I can’t help myself, my evil hand takes over.

That’s the thing which fucking annoys me about every story that comes out featuring Shia LaBeouf nowadays - he was raped, and everybody laughed. His girlfriend was angry with him more than she was angry with the woman who raped him.

It depends on the country - you can’t treat Europe like some big homogenous mass where everyone acts the same, especially with issues like nudity.

Exactly. I’d go so far as to say that man on man prison rape was seen by the SHOW as being ok, and a just punishment for whatever crime they’d committed.

I’m not a Londoner, ex- or otherwise, and this made me super-uncomfortable. This is some tone-deaf shit right here.

I can only star this once, but in my heart, a million stars for you. It’s like the BEES! gif, except Oprah’s giving stars.

This thread is so educational for me! A couple of years ago I was so bored I spent a lot of time on yahoo!answers (I know), and one of the questions was a 19 year old girl saying she’ll be marrying her just signed up to the military boyfriend, and would she get benefits when he was in basic training or something.

Wasn’t that what Kate did in the pilot of Lost? I always admired that scene because it was horrific, but so practical. Pity that the follow-up was the bra and panty show.

It’s like a post-modern sofa (do Americans say ‘couch’? Not sure), like one of those you see in a museum of arthouse furniture. It makes me want to weep. As a large person myself, if I had enough money to have my own designer, I wouldn’t be wearing that shit.

I’m afraid I can’t help with the girl who can’t come - I just saw that gif, realized it’s Jason Momoa, and I’m already halfway there. And I’m at work, dammit.

Are you serious? No, really. She caught the cat in a trap - not a humane trap, but a leg trap. If you look at the photo, like I unfortunately have, you will see that the cat’s leg is injured.

Thank you for this. I regret I have only one star to give this comment.