
The middle america and the rust belters for to long thinks their special and there not just like the rest of us. I dont really care any longer for working with them or seeing there point cause they refuse to see mine

This is what they say in cities if you cant find a job move. so in the rural areas move. its what we all have to do to stay current move. however its up to the governing body of those rural areas to bring jobs and help keep jobs there real jobs. if they cant do that then they should be replace and try someone or

Do you keep all those same ole republicans that you wanted out back in. they yelled ans screamed repugnant stuff at people and you still went along with it. if you had concerns you should have talked about it and ask both candidates how t hey could fixed it and based on what they said then vote. They did not do that.

We dont have to go anywhere we dont feel welcome or safe. So stay away from fools cause if you stay too long you will be made into one to

Its health if you cant change there minds leave them alone keep your sanity. If they want to spew hate and still say how of a good person they are just run dont walk away from them.

Because blue lives matters so its blue vs everyone else.

made me laugh out loud that goes to show you if you want to justify something you can.

she stop sipping the kool aid for a second but dont worry she is back on the sauce OOOOH YEAH!

as long as my hotness shields me and I am on TV, I should be safe right.

he knows he does not have a case, so he does not want that job

pss aanta does not exist nor does Christmas who made that crap up anyway. The only winter holiday I support is Thanksgiving a day where you give thanks and thats it no gifts no candy just thanking.

Stockholm syndrome, Stepford Wives, I look sexy and am thin and white so It wont affect me right.

Dont go, I woudling your peace of mind is worth more than theirs. Just say no

This will new reality show called of Presidential apprentice or So you think you can be the President

I think that generation and mentally should end. I wont vote for you cause you did not come and shake my hand really. thats like say i want do or take a job unless i meet the CEO of the company. really! come on do your research watch the speeches and debates. I have more important things to do than go to a really and

I love that . the old states and with the deepest history are lest american. how can someone be more or less of anything if they are that thing.

I am with you, we have reached the point where we cant sit ideal by and let them be, cause what they are is terrible. so may of us the know better have kept silent because we dont want to admit to ourselves that we might be a bigot or have bigot tendency. If we keep letting them same crap with out admonishing them

I love only two final fantasy 1 and 12 everything else you can keep it.

because of enix it can all be blamed on enix and sony... free the square

after awhile of doing something you know is wrong you stop being a decent person or having the right to be mentioned as one. you did it you knew it was wrong and you looked the other way you might be a deplorable person