
The real issues was the chinese where selling the same part for less the american company always do that they over charge for all there parts a bit of plastic 300 dollars but the steal bit 50 bucks huh. we have to stop charging for how much we can get and charge what is it worth parts labour and profit. now when your

I feel the same way as you about detective Conan at this point he should have grown back up to an adult already.

I think that was the idea, however what if lando out-stages han how would that play out for continuity. ...

I think so, how can that be satan’s birthday when he is before the calendar was even invented, and when has he asked anyone to worship him other than the Christ, it makes no sense i have not seen anywhere in the bible where a satan does this kind of stuff.

good for you, if you have to work that hard at it or beg for it then your in the wrong place, this time fiend a friend that also likes you physical /sexually it takes life and marriage a lot better

work out more. get a dog it helps force you to take it for walks that helps your heart that helps you get up and get some if you catch my drift.

no date night was taking your best gal out of the house for some fun maybe with friends some dinner entertainment and maybe a little alone time. but it was mostly just to get away from the house and spend good times as adults and not mom and dad husband and wife duties and just my fav gal and her fav beau. 

your reasoning is um um... LAME

I hate hipsters to i just dont get them why for the love of all that is holy why those lame beards they went out of fashion for a reason.

thats because your sister or sister-in law was a hover parent and not making him go outside or play sports tell him to get a job and if you wants to eat you has to earn it even if its chores and if he wont you will treat him as a kid and he has to eat at the kiddie table and only watch teletubbies (it will work get

why do you hate it embrace it we are the the beginning of the millennials we get to help shape the future for our group we are pioneers like that one game

I think that is what makes us different we do the research on everything before we even stop on a lot and we already know who has the best pricing so we dont need you to tell us often wrong information so we dont need them just order it online and be done with it. Also there is not way i should have to rebuy what you

unions right. when I get elected I am going to go after those unions to much mindless hand waving (vote with us don’t read the fine print just say this slogan)

ahh okay thanks

please explaine I want to hear more on this

kids are kids and thats not good you make dislike the parents but you cant hate the kids for being born into it

no thats not how it is. me and my wife have our disagreement about safety and whats not safe. i just dont let go overboard and s he does the same with me balanced cause as dad and and human we tend to miss things and we need each other to help. my has gotten carried way with our daughter being very rambunctious but i

no i am not rich (i want to be but it has not happen for me yet i guess its not my turn) we dont hover we keep and eye and an ear out for our kids and for other kids as well if we hear shooting thats good if we hear quite that mean something is up. we teach preach and yell to our kids the rules of where they can and

no and yes, kids playing with other kids and making up there own games and deal with others kids on there own not being influenced by adults on who they play with. I played with rich kid poorer kids fat kids slow kids. we played with whomever was around and made up games we all could play even if i did not like that

so buying crap on someone else dime